
The server endpoint is the ‘basis’ for all other API operations. In the PowerDNS Authoritative Server, the server_id is always localhost. However, the API is written in a way that a proxy could be in front of many servers, each with their own server_id.


GET /servers

List all servers

Status Codes:
GET /servers/{server_id}

List a server

  • server_id (string) – The id of the server to retrieve
Status Codes:


Object Properties:
  • type (string) – Set to “Server”
  • id (string) – The id of the server, “localhost”
  • daemon_type (string) – “recursor” for the PowerDNS Recursor and “authoritative” for the Authoritative Server
  • version (string) – The version of the server software
  • url (string) – The API endpoint for this server
  • config_url (string) – The API endpoint for this server’s configuration
  • zones_url (string) – The API endpoint for this server’s zones


Listing all servers

GET /api/v1/servers HTTP/1.1
X-API-Key: secret

Will yield a response similar to this (several headers omitted):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

[{"autoprimaries_url": "/api/v1/servers/localhost/autoprimaries{/autoprimary}", "config_url": "/api/v1/servers/localhost/config{/config_setting}", "daemon_type": "authoritative", "id": "localhost", "type": "Server", "url": "/api/v1/servers/localhost", "version": "4.6.1", "zones_url": "/api/v1/servers/localhost/zones{/zone}"}]

Listing a server

GET /api/v1/servers/localhost HTTP/1.1
X-API-Key: secret

Will yield a response similar to this (several headers omitted):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

{"autoprimaries_url": "/api/v1/servers/localhost/autoprimaries{/autoprimary}", "config_url": "/api/v1/servers/localhost/config{/config_setting}", "daemon_type": "authoritative", "id": "localhost", "type": "Server", "url": "/api/v1/servers/localhost", "version": "4.6.1", "zones_url": "/api/v1/servers/localhost/zones{/zone}"}