
Once tcpdistro is launched it will start accepting events. The program itself needs no administration other than the storage space it consumes on the file system.

As a ball-park figure, each event consumes 180 octets of space which the file system must be able to provide.

The dstore utility manages the storage. With this, you can look at usage statistics or clean up your storage if space is at a premium. dstore performs clean-up or “rotation”.

$ dstore rotate 1 hour
dstore: storage in '/var/dstore', hash-split is 1024
Would remove 13 files for actual rotate

$ dstore rotate 1 hour really
dstore: storage in '/var/dstore', hash-split is 1024
Unlinked /var/dstore/2424/5/6/dnsmessages-539
Unlinked /var/dstore/2424/5/6/dnsmessages-769
Unlinked /var/dstore/2424/5/6/dnsmessages-730
Unlinked /var/dstore/2424/5/6/dnsmessages-834
Removed 13 files for rotate