Installation and Configuration

The supported method of installing the dstore software components is using the Ansible role provided by Open-Xchange. This chapter describes the packages, their contents and configuration files for completeness.


All packages required for dstore are provided in a software repository maintained by Open-Xchange. If you do not have access to this repository, please contact Open-Xchange support.

This repository contains the packages built for the deployment’s operating system version and architecture.

Directories and Files

dstore store its data in /var/lib/dstore by default. Furthermore, unless otherwise specified, all program configuration is in /etc/dstore.

In that configuration directory, there is one configuration file for each service and one global file. This global configuration is called dstore.conf and it contains several settings.

storage-dir:The path to the directory where the data is stored. This can be changed if /var/lib/dstore is not the preferred directory.
hash-split:The number of buckets the data is split into.


Write about disk-layout and mounting multiple disks under /var/lib/dstore for performance reasons.


The tcpdistro service accepts a stream of protobuf-encoded messages and stores them to disk. On start-up, it reads dstore.conf and tcpdistro.conf. The latter file contains these settings:

listen-address:The IP and port the service listens on
answer-limit:The maximum number of answer-RRs to store per answer packet

When dstore-alert is used the following settings are relevant:

enable-alerts:Whether or not to enable sending alerts to dstore-alert
alert-address:The address where dstore-alert can receive messages.
alert-tags:Incoming packets with these tags will be sent to dstore-alert


The dstore_alert service accepts a stream of protobuf-encoded messages and send them to an HTTP endpoint using the OX Protect Notification API. On startup it reads dstore_alert.conf, which contains the following settings:

listen_address:The IP and port the service listens on for PBDNSMessages
 The IP and port the service listens on for PBAlertMessages.
webhook-url:The URL of the Protect Notification Center API Endpoint.
webhook-conns:The maximum number of HTTP connections per webhook thread.
 The number of threads to use for webhooks.
webhook-secret:The secret to use when generating the X-Wforce-Signature header
 The value to place in the X-API-Key header.
worker-threads:The number of worker threads to create. Each received message will be passed to a pool of worker theads and processed.
platform-url:The URL of the PDNS Platform Admin API. This is used to download the list of category names and titles.
malware-tags:The tags that indicate that a PBDNSMessage is related to malware.
blacklist-tags:The tags that indicate that a PBDNSMessage is related to blacklisting.


See the separate documentation.


The egateway provides HTTP-based access to the data contained in dstore. It reads both dstore.conf and egateway.conf. The latter file has these options:

listen-address:Specifies the address/port to which egateway should bind to.


See the separate documentation.


dstore-web is a Django application written in Python 3.6. As Python 3.6 is relatively new with regards to operating system release cycles, dstore-web depends on the rh-python-36 software collection on Red Hat Enterprise Linux based operating systems (including CentOS and Oracle Linux). If these collections are not available in the target environment, Open-Xchange can provide the required packages in the software repository as well.

When installing dstore-web, a system user and group called dstore-web are created, an sqlite3 database for users and audit-logs is created in /var/lib/dstore-web. The dstore-web service runs as this unprivileged user.

Two programs are installed as part of the dstore-web package:

dstore-web:This program is a tool to manage the installation, add and remove users and apply database migrations.
 This program launches the webserver on the configured port. It is invoked by the init-system.

The configuration files are installed into /etc/dstore-web.

This file configures the dstore-web-server. The defaults included with the installation work well for most installations. However, some tuning or a different listen port might be in order.

The file itself has comments, but some options are described in more detail below.

bind:This option has a python list with all IP addresses and ports where the webserver should listen. It is recommended to listen on the local loopback interface and have a webserver like nginx or Apache in front of dstore-web-server.
workers:This option sets the number of workers that handle connections. By default this is set to twice the number of CPUs in the system.
threads:The number of threads per worker.

A Django settings file. This configures the dstore-web application itself. This file contains ample comments that describe the options that can be set.

The most important setting is the EGATEWAY_URL, this should contain the URL to the egateway.


dstore-report-api is an application written in Python 3.6, which allows global and per-user information about filtering events to be retrieved using a REST API.

When installing dstore-report-api, a system user and group called dstore-report-api are created. The dstore-report-api service runs as this unprivileged user.

One program is installed as part of the dstore-report-api package:

 This program launches the webserver on the configured port. It is invoked by the init-system.

The configuration files are installed into /etc/dstore-report-api.

Prometheus metrics are available on the /metrics endpoint; these metrics are stored/retrieved in the directory specified by the RUNTIME_DIRECTORY environment variable, which is set in the dstore-report-api.service file using the RuntimeDirectory directive. This directory is required to be set because dstore-report-api runs under gunicorn, and is multi-process, which means that prometheus stats must be gathered from all processes not just one; the runtime directory is used to store the stats from each process. If this directory is not set or doesn’t exist, the dstore-report-api process will fail to start.


This file configures the dstore-report-api webserver. The defaults included with the installation work well for most installations. However, some tuning or a different listen port might be in order.

The file itself has comments, but some options are described in more detail below.

bind:This option has a python list with all IP addresses and ports where the webserver should listen. It is recommended to listen on the local loopback interface and have a webserver like nginx or Apache in front of dstore-report-api.
workers:This option sets the number of workers that handle connections. By default this is set to twice the number of CPUs in the system.
threads:The number of threads per worker.


A settings file for the dstore-report-api. This configures the dstore-report-api application itself.

By default the file contains the following settings:

AUTH_TOKEN = "secret"
LOG_LEVEL = logging.INFO
LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'

These are explained as follows:

 This option sets the address of the elasticsearch server where the filtering events are stored. In most cases this and AUTH_PASSWORD are the only two parameters that will need to be changed.
 This option controls the timeout between the webs application and the elasticsearch server.
 This option controls which index pattern will be used for elasticsearch searches. If the filtering events are stored using a more specific index pattern than the default, then using that will increase the speed of searches and reduce the load on elasticsearch.
 If this option and ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD are both set, then they will be used to perform basic authentication against the Elasticsearch server. Both must be set for basic authentication to be performed.
 The password to use for basic authentication to elasticsearch. The ELASTICSEARCH_USER option must also be set for basic authentication to be performed.
AUTH_TOKEN:This option controls the token used for authorization to the web application REST API, and if set it must be present in the X-API-Key header for all requests.
LOG_LEVEL:This option controls the syslog log level.
LOG_FORMAT:This option controls the log format used for logging.