Configuration ============= This section describes how the software that delivers the data to :program:`dstore` should be configured. For each of the :program:`dstore`-capable sources you want to have events recorded in :program:`dstore`, each source is configured individually. By default :program:`dstore`\ ’s ``tcpdistro`` expects messages on TCP port 2000. PowerDNS Recursor ----------------- The PowerDNS Recursor can be configured to forward queries to :program:`dstore`, with the following setting in ``recursor.conf``:: lua-config-file=/etc/powerdns/recursor.lua The Lua configuration file ``recursor.lua`` should then contain a function call to route events from the Recursor to :program:`dstore` on, say, address as follows: .. code:: lua protobufServer("") -- emit events to dstore See the PowerDNS Recursor `documentation on Lua configuration `__ for more information. dnsdist ------- :program:`dnsdist` can also forward queries to :program:`dstore`. To forward all queries and answers, add the following to ``dnsdist.conf``: .. code:: lua logger = newRemoteLogger('') AddResponseAction(AllRule(), RemoteLogResponseAction(logger)) More information can be found in the `dnsdist documentation `__.