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Filtering is an option which can be enabled on the following components:

  • dnsdist
  • Recursor

When enabled, filtering matches DNS traffic against policy rules to determine whether or not the filtering engine should intervene. Crucial to understanding filtering are the following concepts:

  • Feeds: Provides categorized lists of domains which can be referenced in policy rules, deployed as part of Controlplane
  • Static Settings: Static set of configuration instructing the filtering engine how to combine the feeds, vHosts, policy rules, etc to create a comprehensive filtering solution
  • vHosts: Virtual hosts in dnsdist which can be assigned specific policy rules and/or filter settings

Configuration Reference

Filter Settings

Sets of filter settings can be defined under the root node filterSettings. Each set of settings should be a key-value pair, with:

  • key: Name of the set
  • value: Dictionary holding the configuration of filter settings

The configuration can be quite complex, as there are several concepts involved. Make sure you understand the concepts explained in this guide before attempting to configure them.

Parameters which can be used to configure filter settings are shown in the below table.

Parameter Type Default Description
logFormat string "human" Format of logging.
Available options: "human" "json"
logLevel string "info" Level of logging.
Available options: "debug" "info" "warn" "error"
proxies List of string IP addresses of proxies to be returned when traffic is filtered, unless overridden at a lower level (vHost for example).
Can be a list of both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
vHosts Map of vHost {} vHosts configuration
vHostService dnsdistService type: ClusterIP Default service object used as template for all vHost service objects.
Can also be overridden on each vHost configuration
feeds List of Feed [] Feeds to be consumed for use in filtering
static StaticSettings {} Static settings configuration

Feed configuration

When feeds are configured, the dnsdist or recursor pod which is performing filtering will have an extra container named oxfeedclient which will be responsible to download the feeds, process them and repeat when it identifies the upstream feeds have been updated. These feeds are provided by the Controlplane Feeds.

Example of a configuration with one feed:

      - url: https://commandsource-testcmdsource.controlplane.svc:8443/feed/
        namespace: testfeed
        username: myUsername
        password: myPassword
          insecure_skip_verify: true

The above configuration will cause the oxfeedclient container to consume a feed from the url https://commandsource-testcmdsource.controlplane.svc:8443/feed/ and expose the learned categories via the naming convention [NAMESPACE NAME]/[CODE]. In this example, if the feed contains a category with code 1, it would be accessible as testfeed/1.

Additionally, it attempts to authenticate using myUsername and myPassword and will not attempt to perform any TLS verification (not recommended).

Parameters which can be used to configure feeds are shown in the below table.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
loadFirst boolean false If true, prioritize this feed when the oxfeedclient container starts.
If multiple feeds are configured this can be used to ensure a specific feed is loaded first.
namespace string yes Namespace to prepend to the codes of the categories learned from this feed
password string Password to use for authentication with the feed.
Using secretName is preferred
secretName string Name of a pre-existing Kubernetes Secret containing a username & password for authentication with the feed
secretPasswordKey string "password" If secretName is specified: name of the item inside the Secret which holds the password
secretUsernameKey string "username" If secretName is specified: name of the item inside the Secret which holds the username
url string yes Full URL of the feed
username string Username to use for authentication with the feed.
Using secretName is preferred
tlsconfig TLSConfig {} TLS configuration options
Feed TLS config
Parameter Type Required Default Description
ca string CA in PEM format to use for validation.
Use of caSecret is recommended for security reasons
caSecret string Name of a pre-existing Kubernetes Secret with a data item named ca.crt containing the CA in PEM format to use for validation
insecure_skip_verify boolean false Skip validation of the feed's certificate chain and hostname

Static Settings

Parameters which can be used to configure static filtering settings are shown in the below table.

Parameter Type Default Description
categories List of Category [] Categories to be calculated
domainlists Map of DomainList {} Static domain lists
filtersettings List of UserSettings [] Mapping of users, products, profiles, etc to filtering objects such as domainlists and categories
ipmappings List of IPMapping [] Mapping of IP prefixes to users
policyrules List of PolicyRules [] Filtering policies

These calculated categories allow for the combination of categories learned from feeds. For example:

        - name: calccategory
          title: My calculated category
            - myfeed/1
            - otherfeed/1
            - otherfeed/2

The above will expose a category named calccategory which will contain the sum of DomainPaths from:

  • Category with code 1 in the feed configured with namespace: myfeed
  • Categories with codes 1 and 2 in the feed configured with namespace: otherfeed

Parameters which can be used to configure categories are shown in the below table.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
codes List of string yes List of codes learned from feed(s)
name string yes Name of the category
title string Title of the category.
Only used for presentation purposes
Domain Lists

Domain lists allow for the configuration of static lists of domains to which filtering decisions can be applied. For example:

          - evil.example
          - malware.example

The above will expose 2 static domain lists:

  • Domain list global-allow-list containing the domain
  • Domain list global-block-list containing 2 example domains that may be desirable to block

These domain lists can be referenced by Setting Mappings and Policy Rules using their names (ie: global-allow-list and global-block-list).

User Settings

User Settings allow for defining user settings and mapping them to filtering objects. For example:

        - username: user1
          filter_content: true
              - someCategory

Above mapping will assign the user user1 a user-scoped category list named categories-denylist which contains the category named someCategory. This user-scoped category list categories-denylist can then be referenced in policy rules.


The filter_content parameter must be set to true to enable the filtering of defined content such as the members of the someCategory category in the above example.

Parameters which can be used to configure user settings are shown in the below table.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
username string yes Username to match against
timezone string Timezone in the format Europe/Amsterdam, local time of the server if unspecified and UTC if configured with an unknown timezone
usertags List of string [] Extra tags for the user which can be referenced in policy rules
product string "" Product used by user which can be referenced in policy rules
filter_content boolean false If true, apply the filtering of named_category_lists and named_domain_lists
named_category_lists Map of UserScopedCategoryList {} Category lists scoped to this user
named_domain_lists Map of UserScopedDomainList {} Domain lists scoped to this user
User scoped category list

A user scoped category list allows for configuring category lists which only apply to that specific user. For example:

        - username: user1
          filter_content: true
              - socialmedia
              - malware
              - botnets

In the above example, this user's scope has the following category lists defined:

  • Category list categories-allowlist references the category socialmedia with the intention of allowing this user access to social media
  • Category list categories-denylist references the categories malware and botnets with the intention of safeguarding the user against potentially bad actors

Policy Rules

These category lists have only been scoped to the user, they still need to be enforced by a policy rule to become active

User scoped domain list

A user scoped domain list allows for configuring domain lists which only apply to that specific user. For example:

        - username: user1
          filter_content: true
              - malware.example
              - botnet.example

In the above example, this user's scope has the following domain lists defined:

  • Domain list domains-allowlist references the domain with the intention of allowing this user access to this domain
  • Domain list domains-denylist references the categories malware.example and botnet.example with the intention of safeguarding the user against resolving these domains

Policy Rules

These domain lists have only been scoped to the user, they still need to be enforced by a policy rule to become active

IP Mapping

IP Mappings allow for mapping of IP prefixes to users. For example:

        - prefix:
          username: private
        - prefix:
          username: private
        - prefix:
          username: private

Above mapping will assign the user private to traffic originating from the 3 IPv4 address ranges allocated for private networks.

Parameters which can be used to configure ip mappings are shown in the below table.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
prefix string yes Prefix to match against
username string yes Username to assign to traffic matched against this prefix
Policy Rules

Policy rules tie together all the other objects which have been configured and are the glue which enables the actual filtering process. For example:

          - evil.example
          - malware.example
        - name: block-domain-list
          scope: all
          action: blacklist
          source: list
          source_list: global-block-list

In this example we define a domainlist named global-block-list containing 2 domains which we want to globally block for everybody.

We then have a policy rule named block-domain-list which will perform the action blacklist (ie: block) for this domainlist by specifying source to be a list and refer to the name by setting source_list to the name of our list: global-block-list.

Parameters which can be used to configure policy rules are shown in the below table.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
priority integer Priority of this rule. If unset the priority is defined by the ordering of the list, where the first entry is first applied, then second, etc.
name string yes Name of the policy rule
action string yes Action to be taken when matched.
Available options: "whitelist" "blacklist" "monitor"
scope string yes Scope of the rule.
Available options: "all" "content" "security" "homework"
In the current release only "all" and "content" are applicable and have the same outcome
source string yes Type of object to match against.
Available options: "category" "code" "list"
products List of string Products to match against
category_list string If source: category and source_category_mode: user, set this to the name of the User scoped category list
usertag string If set, match against this usertag
source_list string If source: list, set this to the name of the domain list
source_codes List of string If source: code, set this to a list of codes to match against.
These should be namespaced codes, ie: testfeed/2 and myfeed/3
source_category_mode string If source: category, specify whether the category should be fetched from:
A statically defined category under categories: set this to static
A category list defined as User scoped category list: set this to user
source_category_static List of string If source: category and source_category_mode: static, set this to a list of names of categories defined under categories
redirect_ips List of string IP addresses of proxies to be returned when this policy rule is blocking.
Can be a list of both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
redirect_rcode integer Numerical representation of DNS RCode to be returned when this policy rule is blocking.
Available options:
NoError: 0
ServFail: 2
NXDomain: 3


When virtual hosts (vHosts) are defined in a filterSettings configuration and the settings are applied to a set of dnsdist instances, the following happens:

  • Service objects are created for each vHost to expose it users
  • vHosts can be referenced in rules to apply different policies to them

To define vHosts, you can use the vHosts parameter inside your filterSettings configuration, for example:

        <vHost configuration>
        <vHost configuration>

Each defined vHost can be further configured using the following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
defaultproduct string Default product to be assigned to traffic on this vHost which is not matched to a user
defaultredirect string This overrides the global 'defaultredirect' setting for this vhost if set. It only affects the HTTP proxy.
defaultuser string Default user to be assigned to traffic on this vHost when the source IP is not matched
forceuser string User to be forced on all traffic on this vHost
metricsname string Name to be used for this vHost in metrics, if unset this will be derived from the name of the vHost
protobuftag string Additional protobuf tag to set if traffic on this vHost is exported to dstoredist
proxies List of string IP addresses of proxies to be returned when traffic is filtered.
Can be a list of both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
proxydeviceprofile integer Set a fixed device profile number for traffic on this vHost
service dnsdistService Configuration of the dnsdist service object for this vHost
unfiltered boolean false If true, no filtering is applied to traffic on this vHost