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The PowerDNS Recursor is a high-performing, low latency DNS resolver.

Configuration Reference

Instance Sets

Sets of instances of Recursor can be defined under the root node recursors. Each instance set should be a key-value pair, with:

  • key: Name of the instance set
  • value: Dictionary holding the configuration of the instance set
    < Recursor configuration >

Parameters which can be used to configure Recursor instances for a specific instance set are shown in the below table.

Parameter Type Default Description
affinity k8s:Affinity Pod affinity (Kubernetes docs: Affinity and anti-affinity). If unset, a default anti-affinity is applied using antiAffinityPreset to spread pods across nodes
agentLogLevel string "info" Verbosity of logging for the agent container.
Available options: "debug" "info" "warn" "error"
agentLogFormat string "text" Format of logging for the agent container.
Available options: "text" "json"
agentResources k8s:Resources
cpu: 250m
memory: 256Mi
Resources allocated to the 'agent' container if resourceDefaults is true
antiAffinityPreset string "preferred" Pod anti affinity preset.
Available options: "preferred" "required"
apiKey string API key used to access the /api endpoint, used to configure a static key (default: generated and stored in a secret)
apiKeySecret string Name of the secret from which to take the API key, used when there is a pre-provisioned secret holding the api key
apiKeySecretItem string Name of the data item within apiKeySecret which holds the API key, used when there is a pre-provisioned secret holding the api key (default: api_key)
config dictionary {} Set of key:value pairs to configure Recursor.
Parameters can be found here: Recursor documentation
Parameters reserved by Cloud Control: "webserver*" "local*" "disable-syslog" "daemon" "chroot" "socket*" "config*"
containerSecurityContext k8s:SecurityContext
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
type: RuntimeDefault
- "ALL"
SecurityContext applied to each container
dnsdist dnsdistConfig Settings to be applied to each Recursor instance when added to dnsdist as a server
dstoredist dstoredist Settings to configure protobuf message generation and destinations
filtering Filtering Settings to enable and configure filtering
forward Forward Settings to configure forward zones in Recursor
hostNetwork boolean false Use host networking for pods
hpa HPA Horizontal Pod Autoscaling settings
inboundInterfaces List of string List of names of interfaces to which Recursor will bind
initResources k8s:Resources
cpu: 250m
memory: 256Mi
Resources allocated to the 'auth-init' container if resourceDefaults is true
luaConfig string Lua configuration to be included in each Recursor pod
luaScript string Lua script to be included in each Recursor pod
metricsInterfaces List of string List of names of interfaces to which the metrics aggregator will bind
nodeSelector k8s:NodeSelector {} Kubernetes pod nodeSelector
outboundInterfaces List of string List of names of interfaces from which Recursor will try to send outbound traffic
podAnnotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations to be added to each pod
podDisruptionBudget k8s:PodDisruptionBudgetSpec {} Spec of PodDisruptionBudget to be applied to deployment
podLabels k8s:Labels {} Labels to be added to each pod
podSecurityContext k8s:PodSecurityContext
fsGroup: 953
runAsUser: 953
runAsGroup: 953
runAsNonRoot: true
SecurityContext applied to each pod
replicas integer 2 Default number of replicas in a Deployment
resources k8s:Resources
cpu: 2
memory: 2Gi
Resources allocated to the 'recursor' container
serviceLabels k8s:Labels {} Labels to be added to each service
tolerations Kubernetes Pod tolerations
volumes List of additional volumes

dnsdist Configuration

Using these parameters you can configure additional behaviour when instances of this instance set are added to dnsdist for loadbalancing:

Parameter Type Default Description
checkClass integer 1 Number to use as QCLASS in the health-check query.
Defaults to DNSClass.IN (1)
checkInterval integer The time in seconds between health checks
checkName string "" String to use as QNAME in the health-check query
checkTimeout integer 1000 The timeout (in milliseconds) of a health-check query
checkType string "A" String to use as QTYPE in the health-check query
disableZeroScope boolean false If true, disable the EDNS Client Subnet zero scope feature, which does a cache lookup for an answer valid for all subnets (ECS scope of 0) before adding ECS information to the query and doing the regular lookup. This requires the parseECS option of the corresponding cache to be set to true
healthCheckMode string "auto" Type of health-check to perform, default is "auto" which is configured using the checkName, checkType, etc parameters.
Alternatives are "up" (no healthcheck - always available for traffic) and "down" (no healthcheck - never available for traffic)
maxCheckFailures integer 1 Allow this amount of check failures before declaring the backend down
mustResolve boolean false If true, the health check must return a RCODE different from NXDomain, ServFail and Refused. Default is false, meaning that every RCODE except ServFail is considered valid
order integer The order of servers in this set, used by the leastOutstanding and firstAvailable policies
qps integer Limit the number of queries per second to this amount, when using the firstAvailable policy
reconnectOnUp boolean false If true, close and reopen the sockets when a server transits from Down to Up
retries integer The number of TCP connection attempts to servers for a given query
rise integer 1 Require NUM consecutive successful checks before declaring the backend up
setCD boolean false Set the CD (Checking Disabled) flag in the health-check query
sockets integer 1 Number of sockets (and thus source ports) used toward the backend server
source string Name of the interface which Dnsdist will use to try to send traffic to this Recursor
tcpConnectTimeout integer The timeout (in seconds) of a TCP connection attempt
tcpFastOpen boolean false Whether to enable TCP Fast Open
tcpRecvTimeout integer The timeout (in seconds) of a TCP read attempt
tcpSendTimeout integer The timeout (in seconds) of a TCP write attempt
useClientSubnet boolean false Add the client IP address in the EDNS Client Subnet option when forwarding the query to this backend
useProxyProtocol boolean false Add a proxy protocol header to the query, passing along the client IP address and port along with the original destination address and port
weight integer 1 The weight of servers in this set, used by the wrandom, whashed and chashed policies


You can configure protobuf message generation and distribution via dstoredist via these options. For example:

    <dstoredist configuration>

        enabled: true
        enabled: true
        - group: mydstoredist

In the above example, a set of dstoredist instances named mydstoredist is created, together with a set of recursor instances named myrecursor. We configure a few things on the Recursor:

  • We instruct it to enable protobuf message generation for traffic inbound to the Recursor
  • We instruct it to enable protobuf message generation for traffic outbound from the Recursor
  • We instruct it to send all protobuf messages to a set of dstoredists named mydstoredist

As a result, all inbound and outbound traffic should lead to protobuf messages being generated and distributed to the mydstoredist dstoredist instances.

Parameters which can be used to further configure this:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
batchBufferSize integer 1048576 Size in bytes of the buffer used to handle message batches internally
connTimeout go:DurationString Idle timeout for connections to dstoredist. Only applies if a value is configured explicitly
dstoredists dstoredistEndpoints List of sets of dstoredists to distribute messages to
inbound InboundConfiguration Configuration of protobuf message generation for queries and answers of inbound traffic
outbound OutboundConfiguration Configuration of protobuf message generation for queries and answers of outbound traffic
Parameter Type Required Default Description
group string yes Name of set of dstoredist instances
append_tags List of string [] List of tags which will be appended each message
filters Map of filters {} Filters as defined by the format described in the dstore documentation for the filters parameter under routes
tlsconfig TLSConfig {} TLS configuration options
Endpoint TLS Config

Parameters to configure TLS options, these should be child attributes of the tlsconfig node. For example:

        enabled: true
        enabled: true
        - group: mydstoredist
            insecure_skip_verify: true

Further parameters to configure:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
ca string CA in PEM format to use for validation.
Use of caSecret is recommended for security reasons
caSecret string Name of a pre-existing Kubernetes Secret with a data item named ca.crt containing the CA in PEM format to use for validation
insecure_skip_verify boolean false Skip validation of the storage backend's certificate chain and hostname
Parameter Type Required Default Description
asyncConnect boolean false The first connection to the server during startup will block up to timeout seconds, otherwise the connection is done in a separate thread, after the first message has been queued
enabled boolean yes true If true, generate protobuf messages for all queries and corresponding responses to inbound traffic
exportTypes List of string
- "A"
- "AAAA"
List of record types found in the answer section to export.
Available options: "A" "AAAA" "CNAME" "MX" "NS" "PTR" "SPF" "SRV" "TXT"
logMappedFrom boolean false Whether to log the remote address after (false) substitution by Table Based Proxy Mapping or before (true) (default: false)
logQueries boolean true Whether to export queries
logResponses boolean true Whether to export responses
maxQueuedEntries integer 100 How many entries will be kept in memory if the server becomes unreachable
reconnectWaitTime integer 1 How long to wait, in seconds, between two reconnection attempts
taggedOnly boolean false Only entries with a policy or a policy tag set will be sent
timeout integer 2 Time in seconds to wait when sending a message
Parameter Type Required Default Description
asyncConnect boolean false The first connection to the server during startup will block up to timeout seconds, otherwise the connection is done in a separate thread, after the first message has been queued
enabled boolean yes true If true, generate protobuf messages for all queries and corresponding responses to outbound traffic
exportTypes List of string
- "A"
- "AAAA"
List of record types found in the answer section to export.
Available options: "A" "AAAA" "CNAME" "MX" "NS" "PTR" "SPF" "SRV" "TXT"
logMappedFrom boolean false Whether to log the remote address after (false) substitution by Table Based Proxy Mapping or before (true) (default: false)
logQueries boolean true Whether to export queries
logResponses boolean true Whether to export responses
maxQueuedEntries integer 100 How many entries will be kept in memory if the server becomes unreachable
reconnectWaitTime integer 1 How long to wait, in seconds, between two reconnection attempts
taggedOnly boolean false Only entries with a policy or a policy tag set will be sent
timeout integer 2 Time in seconds to wait when sending a message


If you have a filtering set defined under the filterSettings root node, you can easily apply them to this Recursor via the following configuration:

    <Filtering settings>

      enabled: true
      settings: mysettings

You need to:

  • Set enabled to true to enable the filtering
  • Configure settings to a named set of filterSettings

There are no other parameters to configure in this section. All the filtering configuration is done in the filterSettings set itself.


A set of forward zones can be configured as follows:

      - learnFrom: testauth
          - ".test."
      - serverGroups:
          - group: resolverexample
        recurse: true
        priority: 5
          - ""
          - "internal"
          - "nico"

There are 2 main ways of configuring the zones which need to be forwarded:

  • Learned from a set of Auth instances via learnFrom:
  • By providing a list of zones in zones:

Above options can also be combined. If you have multiple entries in the forward list, the priority parameter is used to establish precedence (with order in the list being the tiebreaker).

Parameters which can be used to configure each set of forward zones:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
exclude List of string [] If learnFrom is configured, exclude any zones which match this list of regular expressions (this is processed after the include filter)
include List of string [] If learnFrom is configured, include only zones which match this list of regular expressions (this is processed before the exclude filter)
learnFrom string Name of a set of Auth instances from which forward zones must be learned (can be filtered using include and/or exclude) and to which traffic should be forwarded
nta boolean false Add a negative trust anchor for the forwarded zones
priority integer 100 Priority when the list of sets of forward zones has multiple entries containing duplicate static and/or learned zones, lowest value for priority has precedence
recurse boolean false If true, set the recursion desired (RD) bit to 1 for the forwarded zones
serverGroups List of ServerGroup List of server groups to forward to.
This can be a set of auth recursor or resolver instances
zones List of string [] List of zones to be forwarded (not affected by include and exclude)
Forward Server Group

A server group is a reference to a set of instances of auth recursor or resolver to which traffic should be sent. Currently this is a simple configuration with 1 parameter group which should reference the name of an appropriate instance set:

      - serverGroups:
          - group: externalresolvers
        recurse: true
          - ""


The above will create a forward configuration to match traffic for and forward it to the set of resolvers named externalresolvers with the RD bit set to 1 (ie: recursion desired).


Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) can be enabled by configuring the necessary parameters and setting enabled: true. For example:

      enabled: true
      minReplicas: 2
      maxReplicas: 6
        - type: Resource
            name: cpu
              type: Utilization
              averageUtilization: 70

Parameters which can be used to configure HPA:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
behavior k8sHorizontalPodAutoscalerBehavior Behavior of the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
enabled boolean yes false If true, enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
maxReplicas integer 4 Maximum number of replicas
metrics List of k8sMetricSpec Metric(s) upon which to make decisions regarding scaling
minReplicas integer 2 Minimum number of replicas