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Cloud Control API

Cloud Control API can be used to inspect Userplane deployments and perform management activities. Currently supported functionality of the API:

  • State inspection: Detailed insight into all instance sets and corresponding deployments & pods
  • Cache management: Perform controlled flushing of cache of multiple products

When deployed with a service and/or ingress configuration, you will be able to access a SwaggerUI at the following location: <service/ingress endpoint>/swagger/

The SwaggerUI serves as the primary source of documentation for the API and its functionality. Example of the SwaggerUI:

Image title
SwaggerUI for Cloud Control API

To enable the default deployment of the API, you can use the following in your Userplane configuration:

  enabled: true

This will result in the following:

  • A deployment cc-api which runs the API
  • A service cc-api to access the API
  • A secret cc-api containing 2 tokens:
    • token_access: an API key which can use the API endpoints marked: "Requires Access privileges"
    • token_full: an API Key which can use all API endpoints
  • A statefulset named nats which runs NATS and serves as the communication channel between the API and the agents in each component's pod.

Note: As with any Kubernetes secret, the tokens are stored as base64 encoded strings. Make sure you decode them before usage.

Configuration Reference

To configure the Cloud Control API, you can use the following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
affinity k8s:Affinity pod affinity (Kubernetes docs: Affinity and anti-affinity). If unset, a default anti-affinity is applied using antiAffinityPreset to spread pods across nodes
antiAffinityPreset string "preferred" pod anti affinity preset.
Available options: "preferred" "required"
apiLogFormat string "text" Format of logging.
Available options: "text" "json"
apiLogLevel string "info" Level of logging.
Available options: "debug" "info" "warn" "error"
apiSecurityContext k8s:SecurityContext
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
type: RuntimeDefault
- "ALL"
SecurityContext applied to each container
auth Authentication {} Configuration of authentication via a configured User Backend
enabled boolean false If true, deploy Cloud Control API
hostNetwork boolean false Use host networking for pods
ingress Ingress
type: ClusterIP
Service configuration
nodeSelector k8s:NodeSelector {} Kubernetes pod nodeSelector
podAnnotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations to be added to each pod
podDisruptionBudget k8s:PodDisruptionBudgetSpec {} Spec of PodDisruptionBudget to be applied to deployment
podLabels k8s:Labels {} Labels to be added to each pod
podSecurityContext k8s:PodSecurityContext
fsGroup: 953
runAsUser: 953
runAsGroup: 953
runAsNonRoot: true
SecurityContext applied to each pod
replicas integer 2 Default number of replicas in the cc-api deployment
resources k8s:Resources
cpu: 250m
memory: 256Mi
Resources allocated to the cc-api container if resourceDefaults (global) is true
service Service
type: ClusterIP
Service configuration
serviceLabels k8s:Labels {} Labels to be added to each service
sessionsExpireAfter go:DurationString 4h Time after which tokens expire.
Only applies to tokens issued for users authenticated via a backend configured via the auth parameter
tolerations List of k8s:Tolerations [] Kubernetes pod Tolerations


If you have a User Backend configured, you can reference it to use it for authentication. For example:

    <backend configuration>

  enabled: true
    backend: mybackend
      - group1
      - group2

In the above example the Cloud Control API will authenticate users against the mybackend user backend. Once authenticated, users with membership of groups group1 or group2 are granted privileges to interact with the API endpoints marked: "Requires Access privileges"

Parameters available to further configure this:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
accessUsers List of string [] List of IDs of users who are eligible for access privileges
accessGroups List of string [] List of names of groups whose members are eligible for access privileges
backend string yes Name of a defined userBackend
fullUsers List of string [] List of IDs of users who are eligible for full privileges
fullGroups List of string [] List of names of groups whose members are eligible for full privileges


Parameters to configure an Ingress for Cloud Control API. For example:

  enabled: true
    enabled: true
    ingressClassName: "nginx"
      - authapi.example.local
Parameter Type Default Description
annotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations for the ingress
enabled boolean false If true, create an ingress object
hosts List of string [] List of hosts for which the ingress should accept traffic (If using tls, this should also include the hosts listed on the tls object)
ingressClassName string Name of the ingress class
tls List of IngressTLS [] List of ingress tls configurations

Ingress TLS

Parameters to configure TLS for an ingress. For example:

    enabled: true
    ingressClassName: "nginx"
      - ccapi.example.local
      - secretName: ccapi-ingress-cert
        - ccapi.example.local

The above example will result in an ingress for Cloud Control API listening for ccapi.example.local and serving the certificate contained in the secret ccapi-ingress-cert.

Note: tls is a list of configurations. Below shows the parameters which can be used for each entry in that list:

Parameter Type Default Description
hosts List of string [] List of hosts for which the ingress should accept TLS traffic
secretName string "" Name of a secret containing the certificate to be used for this ingress


Parameters to configure the service object for the Cloud Control API. For example:

    type: LoadBalancer
    annotations: name_of_pool
Parameter Type Default Description
allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts boolean true If true, services with type LoadBalancer automatically assign NodePorts. Can be set to false if the LoadBalancer provider does not rely on NodePorts
annotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations for the service
clusterIP string Static cluster IP, must be in the cluster's range of cluster IPs and not in use. Randomly assigned when not specified.
clusterIPs List of string List of static cluster IPs, must be in the cluster's range of cluster IPs and not in use.
externalIPs List of string List of IP addresses for which nodes in the cluster will also accept traffic for this service. These IPs are not managed by Kubernetes and must be user-defined on the cluster's nodes
externalTrafficPolicy string Cluster Can be set to Local to let nodes distribute traffic received on one of the externally-facing addresses (NodePort and LoadBalancer) solely to endpoints on the node itself
healthCheckNodePort integer For services with type LoadBalancer and externalTrafficPolicy Local you can configure this value to choose a static port for the NodePort which external systems (LoadBalancer provider mainly) can use to determine which node holds endpoints for this service
internalTrafficPolicy string Cluster Can be set to Local to let nodes distribute traffic received on the ClusterIP solely to endpoints on the node itself
loadBalancerIP string Deprecated Kubernetes feature, available for backwards compatibility: IP address to attempt to claim for use by this LoadBalancer. Replaced by annotations specific to each LoadBalancer provider
loadBalancerSourceRanges List of string If supported by the LoadBalancer provider, restrict traffic to this LoadBalancer to these ranges
loadBalancerClass string Used to select a non-default type of LoadBalancer class to ensure the appropriate LoadBalancer provisioner attempt to manage this LoadBalancer service
publishNotReadyAddresses boolean false Service is populated with endpoints regardless of readiness state
sessionAffinity string None Can be set to ClientIP to attempt to maintain session affinity.
sessionAffinityConfig k8s:SessionAffinityConfig {} Configuration of session affinity
type string ClusterIP Type of service.
Available options: "ClusterIP" "LoadBalancer" "NodePort"