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Dnsdist is a highly DNS, DoS and abuse-aware loadbalancer that brings out the best possible performance in any DNS deployment.

Configuration Reference

Instance Sets

Sets of instances of dnsdist can be defined under the root node dnsdists. Each instance set should be a key-value pair, with:

  • key: Name of the instance set
  • value: Dictionary holding the configuration of the instance set
    < dnsdist configuration >

Parameters which can be used to configure dnsdist instances for a specific instance set are shown in the below table.

Parameter Type Default Description
aclAdd List of string List of netmasks allowed to access dnsdist, in addition to the loopback, RFC1918 and other local addresses. Only used if aclAllowAll: false
aclAllowAll boolean true Allow all inbound traffic to dnsdist, regardless of source IP
additionalServices List of AdditionalService List of additional Do53 services to be created, with the dnsdist pods as targets
affinity k8s:Affinity Pod affinity (Kubernetes docs: Affinity and anti-affinity). If unset, a default anti-affinity is applied using antiAffinityPreset to spread pods across nodes
agentLogLevel string "info" Verbosity of logging for the agent container.
Available options: "debug" "info" "warn" "error"
agentLogFormat string "text" Format of logging for the agent container.
Available options: "text" "json"
agentResources k8s:Resources
cpu: 250m
memory: 256Mi
Resources allocated to the 'agent' container if resourceDefaults is true
antiAffinityPreset string "preferred" Pod anti affinity preset.
Available options: "preferred" "required"
apiKey string API key used to access the /api endpoint, used to configure a static key (default: generated and stored in a secret)
apiKeySecret string Name of the secret from which to take the API key, used when there is a pre-provisioned secret holding the api key
apiKeySecretItem string Name of the data item within apiKeySecret which holds the API key, used when there is a pre-provisioned secret holding the api key (default: api_key)
config dnsdist Configuration {} dnsdist configuration parameters
containerSecurityContext k8s:SecurityContext
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
type: RuntimeDefault
- "ALL"
SecurityContext applied to each container
do53config Do53 Configuration {} Do53 configuration parameters
do53Locals integer 1 Default amount of Do53 listen sockets per dnsdist pod
do53TcpFastOpenQueueSize integer 0 Default size of the TCP Fast Open queue on Do53 listen sockets
do53TcpListenQueueSize integer Default size of the listen queue on Do53 listen sockets.
Default: Derived from SOMAXCONN
doh List of DoH Listener [] Configuration of DoH listeners and services
doh3 List of DoH3 Listener [] Configuration of DoH3 listeners and services
doq List of DoQ Listener [] Configuration of DoQ listeners and services
dot List of DoT Listener [] Configuration of DoT listeners and services
dstoredist dstoredist Settings to configure protobuf message generation and destinations
ecs ECS Configuration {} ECS configuration parameters
filtering Filtering Settings to enable and configure filtering
hostNetwork boolean false Use host networking for pods
hpa HPA Horizontal Pod Autoscaling settings
initResources k8s:Resources
cpu: 250m
memory: 256Mi
Resources allocated to the 'dnsdist-init' container if resourceDefaults is true
luaScript string Lua script to be included in each dnsdist pod
nodeSelector k8s:NodeSelector {} Kubernetes pod nodeSelector
podAnnotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations to be added to each pod
podDisruptionBudget k8s:PodDisruptionBudgetSpec {} Spec of PodDisruptionBudget to be applied to deployment
podLabels k8s:Labels {} Labels to be added to each pod
podSecurityContext k8s:PodSecurityContext
fsGroup: 953
runAsUser: 953
runAsGroup: 953
runAsNonRoot: true
SecurityContext applied to each pod
pools Map of Server Pools Server pools configuration
readiness Readiness Readiness configuration for dnsdist pods
recursor Embedded Recursor {} Configure embedded Recursor instances for this dnsdist instance
replicas integer 2 Default number of replicas in a Deployment
resources k8s:Resources
cpu: 2
memory: 2Gi
Resources allocated to the 'dnsdist' container
ringBuffers Ring Buffers Ring buffers configuration
rpcServerResources k8s:Resources
cpu: 250m
memory: 256Mi
Resources allocated to the 'rpc-server' container
rulegroups List of string [] List of rulegroups to assign to this set of dnsdist instances. Rule groups are defined via Rulesets
serverPurgeDelay integer 5 Delay (in seconds) after which replaced servers are purged from dnsdist
service Do53 Service
type: ClusterIP
Service configuration for Do53 traffic
serviceLabels k8s:Labels {} Labels to be added to all services
stateResources k8s:Resources
cpu: 250m
memory: 256Mi
Resources allocated to the 'dnsdist-state' container
tolerations List of k8s:Tolerations [] Kubernetes pod Tolerations
tuning Tuning Configuration Extra options for tuning dnsdist
verbose boolean false Extra verbosity in logging

dnsdist Configuration

You can further configure dnsdist as follows:

      servFailWhenNoServer: true

In the above example the servFailWhenNoServer is set to true. Parameters which can be used to further configure dnsdist:

Parameter Type Default Description
addEDNSToSelfGeneratedResponses boolean true Whether to add EDNS to self-generated responses, provided that the initial query had EDNS
allowEmptyResponse boolean false If true, allow empty responses (qdcount=0) with a NoError or NXDomain rcode (default) from backends. dnsdist drops these responses by default because it can’t match them against the initial query since they don’t contain the qname, qtype and qclass, and therefore the risk of collision is much higher than with regular responses
consistentHashingBalancingFactor integer 1 Maximum imbalance between the number of outstanding queries intended for a given server, based on its weight, and the actual number, when using the chashed consistent hashing load-balancing policy. Default is 0, which disables the bounded-load algorithm
payloadSizeOnSelfGeneratedAnswers integer 1232 Set the UDP payload size advertised via EDNS on self-generated responses. In accordance with RFC 6891, values lower than 512 will be treated as equal to 512
roundRobinFailOnNoServer boolean false By default the roundrobin load-balancing policy will still try to select a backend even if all backends are currently down. Setting this to true will make the policy fail and return that no server is available instead
servFailWhenNoServer boolean false If true, return a ServFail when no servers are available, instead of the default behaviour of dropping the query
verboseHealthChecks boolean false If true, health check errors will be logged
weightedBalancingFactor integer 1 Maximum imbalance between the number of outstanding queries intended for a given server, based on its weight, and the actual number, when using the whashed or wrandom load-balancing policy. Default is 0, which disables the bounded-load algorithm

Do53 Configuration

You can configure the Do53 listeners in dnsdist as follows:

      maxConcurrentTCPConnections: 10000

In the above example the maxConcurrentTCPConnections is set to 10000. Parameters which can be used to further configure the Do53 listeners:

Parameter Type Default Description
enableProxyProtocol boolean true If setProxyProtocolACL() is used, expect a proxy protocol v2 header in front of incoming queries from an address in setProxyProtocolACL()
maxConcurrentTCPConnections integer 0 Maximum number of concurrent incoming TCP connections.
Default: 0 (which means unlimited)
tcpFastOpenQueueSize integer 0 Set the TCP Fast Open queue size, enabling TCP Fast Open when available and the value is larger than 0.
tcpListenQueueSize integer Default size of the listen queue.
Default: Derived from SOMAXCONN

DoH Listener

DoH listeners can be configured as a list on the doh parameter of a dnsdist configuration. For example:

      - name: mydoh
          type: LoadBalancer

Above will create a DoH listener in dnsdist and configure a service of type LoadBalancer to distribute traffic to it.

Parameters which can be used to further configure a DoH listener:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
config DoH Configuration {} Configuration options for the DoH listener in dnsdist
name string yes Name of the DoH listener (used for naming the corresponding Service objects, etc)
locals integer 1 Amount of listen sockets per dnsdist pod
headers dictionary {} Dictionary of HeaderName:HeaderValue pairs to add to each response (Omitted on redirect responses)
responses List of DoH Responses [] Explicitly configured responses to URLs in urls
secrets List of string List of names of Secrets (Type: containing certificates & keys to be used on the DoH listener. Key must be in tls.key node and certificate (+ intermediates if applicable) must be in tls.crt node
service Service Generic Configuration of the service
stekSecret string Name of a Secret (Type: Opaque) with stek tickets included in the tickets node. This secret is monitored for changes and will be updated in dnsdist whenever a change is detected
urls List of string ["/dns-query"] List of URLs to respond to (Default: /dns-query)

DoH Configuration

You can configure the DoH listener in dnsdist as follows:

      - name: mydoh
          minTLSVersion: "tls1.2"

In the above example the minimum TLS version is set to tls1.2. Parameters which can be used to further configure a DoH listener:

Parameter Type Default Description
ciphers string The TLS ciphers to use, in OpenSSL format. Ciphers for TLS 1.3 must be specified via ciphersTLS13.
ciphersTLS13 string The TLS ciphers to use for TLS 1.3, in OpenSSL format.
enableProxyProtocol boolean true If setProxyProtocolACL() is used, expect a proxy protocol v2 header in front of incoming queries from an address in setProxyProtocolACL()
enableRenegotiation boolean false Whether secure TLS renegotiation should be enabled
exactPathMatching boolean true Whether to do exact path matching of the query path against the paths configured in urls (true) or to accepts sub-paths (false)
idleTimeout integer 30 Set the idle timeout, in seconds
ignoreTLSConfigurationErrors boolean false Ignore TLS configuration errors (such as invalid certificate path) and just issue a warning instead of aborting the whole process
internalPipeBufferSize integer 1048576 Set the size in bytes of the internal buffer of the pipes used internally to pass queries and responses between threads. Default: 1048576
keepIncomingHeaders boolean false Whether to retain the incoming headers in memory
maxConcurrentTCPConnections integer 0 Maximum number of concurrent incoming TCP connections.
Default: 0 (which means unlimited)
minTLSVersion string "tls1.0" Minimum version of the TLS protocol to support.
Available options: "tls1.0" "tls1.1" "tls1.2" "tls1.3"
numberOfStoredSessions integer 20480 The maximum number of sessions kept in memory at the same time. Setting this value to 0 disables stored session entirely
preferServerCiphers boolean true Whether to prefer the order of ciphers set by the server instead of the one set by the client. Default is true, meaning that the order of the server is used
proxyProtocolOutsideTLS boolean false When the use of incoming proxy protocol is enabled, whether the payload is prepended after the start of the TLS session
releaseBuffers boolean true Whether OpenSSL should release its I/O buffers when a connection goes idle, saving roughly 35 kB of memory per connection
sendCacheControlHeaders boolean true Whether to parse the response to find the lowest TTL and set a HTTP Cache-Control header accordingly
serverTokens string "h2o/dnsdist" The content of the Server: HTTP header returned by dnsdist
sessionTimeout integer Set the TLS session lifetime in seconds, this is used both for TLS ticket lifetime and for sessions kept in memory
sessionTickets boolean false Whether session resumption via session tickets is enabled. Default: true (ie: tickets are enabled)
tcpFastOpenQueueSize integer 0 Set the TCP Fast Open queue size, enabling TCP Fast Open when available and the value is larger than 0.
tcpListenQueueSize integer Default size of the listen queue.
Default: Derived from SOMAXCONN
trustForwardedForHeader boolean false Whether to parse any existing X-Forwarded-For header in the HTTP query and use the right-most value as the client source address and port, for ACL checks, rules, logging and so on

DoH Responses

You can configure custom responses on a DoH listener as follows:

      - name: mydoh
          - /test
          - /page
          - regex: "^/test$"
            status: 302
            content: "/page"
          - regex: "^/page"
            status: 200
            content: "welcome!"
              test: "content on /page"

In the above example a request to /test is answered with a HTTP-302 redirect to /page. Requests to /page are answered with a welcome! message with a header named test.

Parameters which can be used to further configure a response:

Parameter Type Default Description
regex string Regular expression to match the path against
status integer HTTP code to answer with
content string Content of the HTTP response (or a URL in case of a redirect - HTTP-3XX)
headers dictionary Dictionary of HeaderName:HeaderValue pairs to add to each response (Omitted on redirect responses)

DoH3 Listener

DoH3 listeners can be configured as a list on the doh3 parameter of a dnsdist configuration. For example:

      - name: mydoh3
          type: LoadBalancer

Above will create a DoH3 listener in dnsdist and configure a service of type LoadBalancer to distribute traffic to it.

Parameters which can be used to further configure a DoH3 listener:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
config DoH3 Configuration {} Configuration options for the DoH3 listener in dnsdist
name string yes Name of the DoH3 listener (used for naming the corresponding Service objects, etc)
locals integer 1 Amount of listen sockets per dnsdist pod
secrets List of string List of names of Secrets (Type: containing certificates & keys to be used on the DoH3 listener. Key must be in tls.key node and certificate (+ intermediates if applicable) must be in tls.crt node
service Service Generic Configuration of the service

DoH3 Configuration

You can configure the DoH3 listener in dnsdist as follows:

      - name: mydoh3
          idleTimeout: 10

In the above example the idle timeout is increased from the default value to 10. Parameters which can be used to further configure a DoH3 listener:

Parameter Type Default Description
congestionControlAlgo string "reno" The congestion control algorithm.
Available options: "reno" "cubic" "bbr"
idleTimeout integer 5 Idle timeout, in seconds
internalPipeBufferSize integer 1048576 Size in bytes of the internal buffer of the pipes used internally to pass queries and responses between threads
keyLogFile string Write the TLS keys in the specified file so that an external program can decrypt TLS exchanges
maxInFlight integer 0 Maximum number of in-flight queries. The default is 0, which disables out-of-order processing

DoQ Listener

DoQ listeners can be configured as a list on the doq parameter of a dnsdist configuration. For example:

      - name: mydoq
          type: LoadBalancer

Above will create a DoQ listener in dnsdist and configure a service of type LoadBalancer to distribute traffic to it.

Parameters which can be used to further configure a DoQ listener:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
config DoQ Configuration {} Configuration options for the DoQ listener in dnsdist
name string yes Name of the DoQ listener (used for naming the corresponding Service objects, etc)
locals integer 1 Amount of listen sockets per dnsdist pod
secrets List of string List of names of Secrets (Type: containing certificates & keys to be used on the DoQ listener. Key must be in tls.key node and certificate (+ intermediates if applicable) must be in tls.crt node
service Service Generic Configuration of the service

DoQ Configuration

You can configure the DoQ listener in dnsdist as follows:

      - name: mydoq
          idleTimeout: 10

In the above example the idle timeout is increased from the default value to 10. Parameters which can be used to further configure a DoQ listener:

Parameter Type Default Description
congestionControlAlgo string "reno" The congestion control algorithm.
Available options: "reno" "cubic" "bbr"
idleTimeout integer 5 Idle timeout, in seconds
internalPipeBufferSize integer 1048576 Size in bytes of the internal buffer of the pipes used internally to pass queries and responses between threads
keyLogFile string Write the TLS keys in the specified file so that an external program can decrypt TLS exchanges
maxInFlight integer 0 Maximum number of in-flight queries. The default is 0, which disables out-of-order processing

DoT Listener

DoT listeners can be configured as a list on the dot parameter of a dnsdist configuration. For example:

      - name: mydot
          type: LoadBalancer

Above will create a DoT listener in dnsdist and configure a service of type LoadBalancer to distribute traffic to it.

Parameters which can be used to further configure a DoT listener:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
config DoT Configuration {} Configuration options for the DoY listener in dnsdist
name string yes Name of the DoT listener (used for naming the corresponding Service objects, etc)
locals integer 1 Amount of listen sockets per dnsdist pod
secrets List of string List of names of Secrets (Type: containing certificates & keys to be used on the DoH listener. Key must be in tls.key node and certificate (+ intermediates if applicable) must be in tls.crt node
service Service Generic Configuration of the service
stekSecret string Name of a Secret (Type: Opaque) with stek tickets included in the tickets node. This secret is monitored for changes and will be updated in dnsdist whenever a change is detected

DoT Configuration

You can configure the DoT listener in dnsdist as follows:

      - name: mydot
          minTLSVersion: "tls1.2"

In the above example the minimum TLS version is set to tls1.2. Parameters which can be used to further configure a DoT listener:

Parameter Type Default Description
ciphers string The TLS ciphers to use, in OpenSSL format. Ciphers for TLS 1.3 must be specified via ciphersTLS13.
ciphersTLS13 string The TLS ciphers to use for TLS 1.3, in OpenSSL format.
enableProxyProtocol boolean true If setProxyProtocolACL() is used, expect a proxy protocol v2 header in front of incoming queries from an address in setProxyProtocolACL()
enableRenegotiation boolean false Whether secure TLS renegotiation should be enabled
ignoreTLSConfigurationErrors boolean false Ignore TLS configuration errors (such as invalid certificate path) and just issue a warning instead of aborting the whole process
maxConcurrentTCPConnections integer 0 Maximum number of concurrent incoming TCP connections.
Default: 0 (which means unlimited)
minTLSVersion string "tls1.0" Minimum version of the TLS protocol to support.
Available options: "tls1.0" "tls1.1" "tls1.2" "tls1.3"
numberOfStoredSessions integer 20480 The maximum number of sessions kept in memory at the same time. Setting this value to 0 disables stored session entirely
preferServerCiphers boolean true Whether to prefer the order of ciphers set by the server instead of the one set by the client. Default is true, meaning that the order of the server is used
proxyProtocolOutsideTLS boolean false When the use of incoming proxy protocol is enabled, whether the payload is prepended after the start of the TLS session
releaseBuffers boolean true Whether OpenSSL should release its I/O buffers when a connection goes idle, saving roughly 35 kB of memory per connection
sessionTimeout integer Set the TLS session lifetime in seconds, this is used both for TLS ticket lifetime and for sessions kept in memory
sessionTickets boolean false Whether session resumption via session tickets is enabled. Default: true (ie: tickets are enabled)
tcpFastOpenQueueSize integer 0 Set the TCP Fast Open queue size, enabling TCP Fast Open when available and the value is larger than 0.
tcpListenQueueSize integer Default size of the listen queue.
Default: Derived from SOMAXCONN


You can configure protobuf message generation and distribution via dstoredist via these options. For example:

    <dstoredist configuration>

        - group: mydstoredist
    luaScript: |-
      addResponseAction(AllRule(), RemoteLogResponseAction(ccdstoredist))

In the above example, a set of dstoredist instances named mydstoredist is created, together with a set of dnsdist instances named mydnsdist. We configure a few things on dnsdist:

  • We instruct it to send all protobuf messages to a set of dstoredists named mydstoredist
  • We include a lua script with a rule on responses (addResponseAction), to match all (AllRule())
  • We issue a RemoteLogResponseAction to instruct dnsdist we want a protobuf message to be generated and reference ccdstoredist to ensure it is processed by Cloud Control's default dstoredist handling


ccdstoredist is a static reference available when dnsdist is deployed via Cloud Control. It is a reference to Cloud Control's managed handler of protobuf messages and is required when you want dnsdist's protobuf messages handled by dstoredist

Generating protobuf messages

By default, dnsdist does not generate any protobuf messages. You need to use dnsdist's rules to instruct it to generate protobuf messages for the appropriate traffic

Parameters which can be used to further configure dstoredist for dnsdist:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
batchBufferSize integer 1048576 Size in bytes of the buffer used to handle message batches internally
connTimeout go:DurationString Idle timeout for connections to dstoredist. Only applies if a value is configured explicitly
dstoredists dstoredistEndpoints List of sets of dstoredists to distribute messages to


Parameter Type Required Default Description
group string yes Name of set of dstoredist instances
append_tags List of string [] List of tags which will be appended each message
filters Map of filters {} Filters as defined by the format described in the dstore documentation for the filters parameter under routes
tlsconfig TLSConfig {} TLS configuration options
Endpoint TLS Config

Parameters to configure TLS options, these should be child attributes of the tlsconfig node. For example:

        - group: mydstoredist
            insecure_skip_verify: true

Further parameters to configure:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
ca string CA in PEM format to use for validation.
Use of caSecret is recommended for security reasons
caSecret string Name of a pre-existing Kubernetes Secret with a data item named ca.crt containing the CA in PEM format to use for validation
insecure_skip_verify boolean false Skip validation of the storage backend's certificate chain and hostname

ECS Configuration

You can configure ECS in dnsdist as follows:

      setECSOverride: true
      setECSSourcePrefixV4: 32
      setECSSourcePrefixV6: 128

Parameters which can be used to further configure ECS:

Parameter Type Default Description
setECSOverride boolean false Whether to override an existing EDNS Client Subnet option present in the query (only effective when the backend server has annotation useClientSubnet = true). (Dnsdist default)
setECSSourcePrefixV4 integer Truncate the requestors IPv4 address to this length, in bits (only effective when the backend server has annotation useClientSubnet = true)
setECSSourcePrefixV6 integer Truncate the requestors IPv6 address to this length, in bits (only effective when the backend server has annotation useClientSubnet = true)

Embedded Recursor

In a high throughput Recursive DNS deployment, you can embed Recursor within the dnsdist pods to avoid the latency caused by the dnsdist to Recursor traffic. To utilize this, configure a recursor inside the dnsdist configuration:

      replicas: 2

The embedded recursors will automatically be added to the default pool of dnsdist. To configure these embedded recursors, you can use the same syntax as a standalone recursor: Recursor configuration


If you have a filtering set defined under the filterSettings root node, you can easily apply them to this dnsdist via the following configuration:

    <Filtering settings>

      enabled: true
      settings: mysettings

You need to:

  • Set enabled to true to enable the filtering
  • Configure settings to a named set of filterSettings

There are no other parameters to configure in this section. All the filtering configuration is done in the filterSettings set itself.


Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) can be enabled by configuring the necessary parameters and setting enabled: true. For example:

      enabled: true
      minReplicas: 2
      maxReplicas: 6
        - type: Resource
            name: cpu
              type: Utilization
              averageUtilization: 70

Parameters which can be used to configure HPA:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
behavior k8sHorizontalPodAutoscalerBehavior Behavior of the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
enabled boolean yes false If true, enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
maxReplicas integer 4 Maximum number of replicas
metrics List of k8sMetricSpec Metric(s) upon which to make decisions regarding scaling
minReplicas integer 2 Minimum number of replicas


You can configure the readiness probe configuration for dnsdist as follows:

      disabled: true

In the above example the readiness check will be disabled altogether. Parameters which can be used to further configure readiness:

Parameter Type Default Description
bindInterface string Name of interface to which the readiness probe will bind. Default to the interface of the pod network
disabled boolean false Whether or not to instruct Kubernetes to poll the agent for readiness state
do53ProbeInterval integer 2 How often (in seconds) the agent will judge the health state of dnsdist via tests against the Do53 listeners
do53QDomain string "" Domain used in the query to judge whether the Do53 listeners of a dnsdist container are healthy and ready for traffic
do53QTimeout integer 1 Number of seconds after which the query used to judge whether the Do53 listeners of a dnsdist container are healthy and ready for traffic time out
do53QType string "A" Type of query used to judge whether the Do53 listeners of a dnsdist container are healthy and ready for traffic
failureThreshold integer 2 When a probe fails, Kubernetes will try this many times before marking the container as Unready. Updates deployment, resulting in respawn of dnsdist pods
healthCheck boolean true Whether or not the agent will use DNS queries (see do53* items) to judge the health of the dnsdist container. If disabled, the dnsdist container will always be marked Ready
initialDelaySeconds integer 5 Number of seconds after the containers have started before readiness probes are initiated. Updates deployment, resulting in respawn of dnsdist pods
periodSeconds integer 2 How often (in seconds) to perform the readiness probes. Updates deployment, resulting in respawn of dnsdist pods
stateProbeInterval integer 2 How often (in seconds) the agent will judge the health state of the dnsdist agent
successThreshold integer 2 Minimum consecutive successful probes before a container is marked Ready. Updates deployment, resulting in respawn of dnsdist pods
timeoutSeconds integer 1 Number of seconds after which the readiness probes time out. Updates deployment, resulting in respawn of dnsdist pods

Ring buffers

You can configure the dnsdist ring buffers as follows:

      size: 20000

In the above example the maximum entries in the ring buffers will be raised to 20000. Parameters which can be used to further configure ring buffers:

Parameter Type Default Description
retries integer Number of shards to attempt to lock without blocking before giving up and simply blocking while waiting for the next shard to be available.
Default: 5 if there is more than 1 shard, else it defaults to 0
shards integer 1 Number of shards to use to limit lock contention
size integer 10000 Maximum amount of queries to keep in the ringbuffer

Server pools

You can configure server pools as follows:

          - group: myrecursor
          maxEntries: 200000

In the above example we add the instances of instance set myrecursor to the dnsdist default pool and ensure the default pool has a packet cache enables with a capacity of 200000 entries. To further configure pools, you can use the following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
ecs boolean false If true, dnsdist will add EDNS Client Subnet information to the query before looking up into the cache, when all servers from this pool are down. If at least one server is up, the preference of the selected server is used, this parameter is only useful if all the backends in this pool are down and have EDNS Client Subnet enabled, since the queries in the cache will have been inserted with ECS information
packetcache Packet Cache {} Configuration of packet cache
serverGroups List of Server Groups [] List of server groups to define which instance sets should receive traffic handled by this pool
serverPolicy string "leastOutstanding" Policy for dnsdist to use to select the server in this pool to send a query to.
Available options: "leastOutstanding" "firstAvailable" "wrandom" "whashed" "chashed" "roundrobin"

Packet Cache

Packet cache in dnsdist is crucial to performance. To activate caching on a specific pool, set a value for maxEntries, for example:

          - group: myrecursor
          maxEntries: 200000

Above enables a packet cache for the default pool and sets a capacity of 200000 entries. Further options for configuring the packet cache are:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
cookieHashing boolean false Whether EDNS Cookie values will be hashed, resulting in separate entries for different cookies in the packet cache. This is required if the backend is sending answers with EDNS Cookies, otherwise a client might receive an answer with the wrong cookie
deferrableInsertLock boolean true Whether the cache should give up insertion if the lock is held by another thread, or simply wait to get the lock
keepStaleData boolean false Whether to suspend the removal of expired entries from the cache when there is no backend available in at least one of the pools using this cache
maxEntries integer yes Capacity of the packet cache
maxNegativeTTL integer 3600 Cache a NXDomain or NoData answer from the backend for at most this amount of seconds, even if the TTL of the SOA record is higher
maxTTL integer 86400 Cap the TTL for records to his number
minTTL integer 0 Do not cache entries with a TTL lower than this
numberOfShards integer 20 Number of shards to divide the cache into, to reduce lock contention
parseECS boolean false Whether any EDNS Client Subnet option present in the query should be extracted and stored to be able to detect hash collisions involving queries with the same qname, qtype and qclass but a different incoming ECS value
staleTTL integer 60 When the backend servers are not reachable, and global configuration setStaleCacheEntriesTTL is set appropriately, TTL that will be used when a stale cache entry is returned
temporaryFailureTTL integer 60 On a SERVFAIL or REFUSED from the backend, cache for this amount of seconds

Server Group

A server group is a reference to a set of instances of auth recursor or resolver to which traffic should be sent. An example:

          - group: externalresolvers
            backendsPerServer: 4


The above will add the members of the externalresolvers instance set to the default server pool. Due to backendsPerServer being set to 4, each member will be added 4 times to increase potential throughput.

Parameters available to configure server groups:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
group string yes Name of the instance set whose members should be added to the pool
backendsPerServer integer 1 How many times each member should be added to the pool

Service Configuration - Do53

Parameters to configure a service object for Do53 traffic. This service configuration exposes a port (:53 by default) for both TCP and UDP protocols. For example:

type: LoadBalancer
annotations: name_of_pool

This format is reusable for all Do53 services in a dnsdist configuration. For example, the default dnsdist service:

      type: LoadBalancer
      annotations: name_of_pool
Parameter Type Default Description
allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts boolean true If true, services with type LoadBalancer automatically assign NodePorts. Can be set to false if the LoadBalancer provider does not rely on NodePorts
annotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations for the service
clusterIP string Static cluster IP, must be in the cluster's range of cluster IPs and not in use. Randomly assigned when not specified.
clusterIPs List of string List of static cluster IPs, must be in the cluster's range of cluster IPs and not in use.
externalIPs List of string List of IP addresses for which nodes in the cluster will also accept traffic for this service. These IPs are not managed by Kubernetes and must be user-defined on the cluster's nodes
externalTrafficPolicy string Cluster Can be set to Local to let nodes distribute traffic received on one of the externally-facing addresses (NodePort and LoadBalancer) solely to endpoints on the node itself
healthCheckNodePort integer For services with type LoadBalancer and externalTrafficPolicy Local you can configure this value to choose a static port for the NodePort which external systems (LoadBalancer provider mainly) can use to determine which node holds endpoints for this service
internalTrafficPolicy string Cluster Can be set to Local to let nodes distribute traffic received on the ClusterIP solely to endpoints on the node itself
lbMixedProtocol boolean false If true and type: LoadBalancer: Create a single LoadBalancer with both TCP and UDP ports
lbPerIPFamily boolean false If true and type: LoadBalancer: Create a separate LoadBalancer for IPv4 and IPv6
loadBalancerIP string Deprecated Kubernetes feature, available for backwards compatibility: IP address to attempt to claim for use by this LoadBalancer. Replaced by annotations specific to each LoadBalancer provider
loadBalancerSourceRanges List of string If supported by the LoadBalancer provider, restrict traffic to this LoadBalancer to these ranges
loadBalancerClass string Used to select a non-default type of LoadBalancer class to ensure the appropriate LoadBalancer provisioner attempt to manage this LoadBalancer service
publishNotReadyAddresses boolean false Service is populated with endpoints regardless of readiness state
servicePerPort boolean false If true and type: ClusterIP or type: NodePort: Create a separate service for both TCP and UDP ports
sessionAffinity string None Can be set to ClientIP to attempt to maintain session affinity.
sessionAffinityConfig k8s:SessionAffinityConfig {} Configuration of session affinity
type string ClusterIP Type of service.
Available options: "ClusterIP" "LoadBalancer" "NodePort"

Service Configuration - Generic

Parameters to configure a service object for non-Do53 traffic. For example:

type: LoadBalancer
annotations: name_of_pool

This format is reusable for all non-Do53 services in a dnsdist configuration. Parameters which you can configure for it:

Parameter Type Default Description
allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts boolean true If true, services with type LoadBalancer automatically assign NodePorts. Can be set to false if the LoadBalancer provider does not rely on NodePorts
annotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations for the service
clusterIP string Static cluster IP, must be in the cluster's range of cluster IPs and not in use. Randomly assigned when not specified.
clusterIPs List of string List of static cluster IPs, must be in the cluster's range of cluster IPs and not in use.
externalIPs List of string List of IP addresses for which nodes in the cluster will also accept traffic for this service. These IPs are not managed by Kubernetes and must be user-defined on the cluster's nodes
externalTrafficPolicy string Cluster Can be set to Local to let nodes distribute traffic received on one of the externally-facing addresses (NodePort and LoadBalancer) solely to endpoints on the node itself
healthCheckNodePort integer For services with type LoadBalancer and externalTrafficPolicy Local you can configure this value to choose a static port for the NodePort which external systems (LoadBalancer provider mainly) can use to determine which node holds endpoints for this service
internalTrafficPolicy string Cluster Can be set to Local to let nodes distribute traffic received on the ClusterIP solely to endpoints on the node itself
loadBalancerIP string Deprecated Kubernetes feature, available for backwards compatibility: IP address to attempt to claim for use by this LoadBalancer. Replaced by annotations specific to each LoadBalancer provider
loadBalancerSourceRanges List of string If supported by the LoadBalancer provider, restrict traffic to this LoadBalancer to these ranges
loadBalancerClass string Used to select a non-default type of LoadBalancer class to ensure the appropriate LoadBalancer provisioner attempt to manage this LoadBalancer service
publishNotReadyAddresses boolean false Service is populated with endpoints regardless of readiness state
sessionAffinity string None Can be set to ClientIP to attempt to maintain session affinity.
sessionAffinityConfig k8s:SessionAffinityConfig {} Configuration of session affinity
type string ClusterIP Type of service.
Available options: "ClusterIP" "LoadBalancer" "NodePort"

Additional Services

Additional services can be used to create multiple Do53 entrypoints to your dnsdist instances. An additional service takes a name and a Service Do53 configuration. For example:

      - name: test1
      - name: test2
        type: LoadBalancer

Above example will result in 2 extra services:

  • test1 has no configuration, so it will use the default of type: ClusterIP
  • test2 will be a LoadBalancer with the extra annotation on it

Tuning configuration

You can configure Cloud Control to apply dnsdist tuning functions to further optimize performance. For example:

      setMaxTCPClientThreads: 20

In the above example the setMaxTCPClientThreads function will be run to set this value to 20. All options which can be configured this way:

Parameter Type Default Description
setCacheCleaningDelay integer 60 Interval in seconds between two runs of the cache cleaning algorithm, removing expired entries
setCacheCleaningPercentage integer 100 Percentage of the cache that the cache cleaning algorithm will try to free by removing expired entries
setMaxTCPClientThreads integer 10 Maximum amount of TCP client threads, handling TCP connections
setMaxTCPConnectionDuration integer 0 Maximum duration of an incoming TCP connection, in seconds.
Default: 0 (unlimited)
setMaxTCPConnectionsPerClient integer 0 Maximum number of TCP connections per client.
Default: 0 (unlimited)
setMaxTCPQueriesPerConnection integer 0 Maximum number of queries in an incoming TCP connection.
Default: 0 (unlimited)
setMaxTCPQueuedConnections integer 1000 Maximum number of TCP connections queued (waiting to be picked up by a client thread). 0 means unlimited
setMaxUDPOutstanding integer 65535 Maximum number of outstanding UDP queries to a given backend server
setStaleCacheEntriesTTL integer TTL for expired cache entries to be eligible as answer when no backends are available for a query, in seconds
setTCPRecvTimeout integer 2 Read timeout on TCP connections from the client, in seconds
setTCPSendTimeout integer 2 Write timeout on TCP connections from the client, in seconds
setUDPTimeout integer 2 Maximum time dnsdist will wait for a response from a backend over UDP, in seconds


Limited functionality

Rulesets defined in the manner described below are limited in terms of functionality. To utilize more advanced rules & actions you can use the luaScript parameter on the dnsdist instance set to import rules using the syntax described in the dnsdist documentation

Rulesets allow for the configuration of sets of rules which allow you to match traffic and perform specific actions. Each rule is made up of 4 components:

  • Name: Name of the rule
  • Selectors: List of filters
  • Combinator: Logic of how to combine the Selectors
  • Action: Action to apply to the traffic selected by the above Selectors & Combinator

For example:

- name: Refuse TCP
    - TCP: true
    - QName: ""
  combinator: AND
      rcode: "REFUSED"

In the above example we create a rule named Refuse TCP and via the AND combinator we need both TCP to be true and QNAME to match This means we are matching against traffic received over TCP for the domain If this is the case, the action is to answer with an RCode which equals REFUSED.

To let us specify multiple rules in a single group that we can later assign to a dnsdist instance, the rules are wrapped in a ruleset:

    group: block-traffic
    type: DNSDistRule
      - name: Refuse TCP
          - TCP: true
          - QName: ""
        combinator: AND
            rcode: "REFUSED"
      - name: LocalPool
        combinator: AND
          - SuffixMatchNode:
                - "local"
                - "internal"
            poolname: "localpool"

We now have a ruleset named myruleset which contains 2 rules. The group is a tag which we can specify on a dnsdist instance via the rulegroups argument to apply all rulesets with this group tag. For example:

    rulegroups: block-traffic

    group: block-traffic
    type: DNSDistRule
      <rules configuration>

Rulesets configuration

To configure a ruleset, you can use the following parameters:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
group string yes Group label which can be used to assign rulesets to dnsdist instances
type string yes "" Type of rule.
Available options: "DNSDistRule"
rules List of Rule yes [] Rules that make up this ruleset
priority integer If multiple rulesets are assigned to a dnsdist instance, they will be processed in their order of priority (lowest priority value being handled first)


To configure a rule, you can use the following parameters:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
name string yes Name of the rule
selectors List of Selector yes [] List of filters on which to apply the logic of the combinator
combinator string yes "" A combinator to apply to the list of selectors.
Available options: "AND" "OR" "NOT"
action Action yes Action to apply on the selected traffic


Currently the following selectors are available:


The TCP selector can be used to select whether or not traffic was received over TCP.


TCP: true


Parameter Type Description
TCP boolean If true, select traffic received over TCP. If false select non-TCP traffic


The MaxQPS selector can be used to select traffic that fells within the specified QPS limit.


  qps: 50


Parameter Type Description
qps integer Match any traffic which falls within this qps limit. If 50, the first 50 within a second will match, request 51 onwards will not match


The MaxQPS selector can be used to select traffic that fells within the specified QPS limit, specific to a traffic source.


  qps: 20
  v4Mask: 32
  v6Mask: 64
  burst: 20
  expiration: 300
  cleanupDelay: 60
  scanFraction: 10

Or relying on most of the defaults:

  qps: 10


Parameter Type Default Description
qps integer Match any traffic which falls within this qps limit. If 50, the first 50 within a second will match, request 51 onwards will not match
v4Mask integer 32 The IPv4 netmask to match on
v6Mask integer 64 The IPv6 netmask to match on
burst integer The number of burstable queries per second allowed.
Default: same as qps
expiration integer 300 How long to keep netmask or IP addresses after they have last been seen, in seconds
cleanupDelay integer 60 The number of seconds between two cleanups
scanFraction integer 10 The maximum fraction of the store to scan for expired entries


The NetmaskGroup selector can be used to select based on source or destination address of the traffic.


  - ""
  - "2001:db8:1234::/64"
  src: true


Parameter Type Default Description
nmg List of string The NetMaskGroups to match on
src boolean true If true, match on source address. If false, match on destination address


The Opcode selector can be used to select traffic based on the requested operation.


Opcode: "Notify"


Parameter Type Description
Opcode string Name of the operation to select


The QName selector can be used to select traffic matching a specific QName


QName: ""


Parameter Type Description
QName string Match traffic for this exact QName


The QType selector can be used to select traffic requesting this specific QType


QType: "SOA"


Parameter Type Description
QType string Match traffic for this QType


Currently the following actions are available:


The Allow action will let the traffic proceed to be handled.


Allow: true


Parameter Type Description
Allow boolean If true, let traffic proceed


The Drop action will ensure the traffic is dropped and will not be responded to.


Drop: true


Parameter Type Description
Drop boolean If true, drop the traffic


The Pool action will ensure dnsdist lets a named server pool handle the traffic


  poolname: "name-of-a-pool"


Parameter Type Description
poolname string Name of a server pool


The RCode action will respond to the matched traffic with a specific RCode.


  rcode: "REFUSED"


Parameter Type Description
rcode string The RCode to return


The TC action will answer traffic with the TC bit set, and the RA bit set to the value of RD in the query, to force the client to TCP.


TC: true


Parameter Type Description
TC boolean If true, set the TC bit