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Authoritative Server

The PowerDNS Authoritative Server (Auth) is a versatile authoritative server for hosting domain names.


When deployed with Cloud Control, the following backends are supported for Auth:

  • Lightning Stream with S3
  • Postgres
  • MySQL
  • GeoIP

Note: We recommend Lightning Stream with S3 for all Cloud Control deployments which require persistent storage of authoritative zone data.

Lightning Stream with S3

This backend allows you to utilise an S3 bucket to store & replicate data. If you are able to replicate your S3 bucket across multiple datacenters you can easily keep your dataset replicated across a complicated topology without having to use zone transfers.



When Lightning Stream is used, each Auth instance has a local, memory-backed LMDB database into which it writes all updates and from which it reads all data. An additional container running the Lightning Stream software runs as a sidecar and is responsible for the synchronization between the LMDB and the S3 bucket.

Image title
Single Auth Pod with Lightning Stream

An additional Migrator pod will be deployed to monitor the different schema versions (based on Auth version) for which snapshots are available in the S3 bucket. When you initially deploy an environment with this backend the migrator will not have anything to do. However, once you upgrade to a newer version of Cloud Control, there might be changes to the schema used by Auth. The Migrator will ensure a seamless transition to the new schema without having to bring the environment offline for schema upgrading and/or manual maintenance.

Synchronization "Mode"

You can configure a set of Auth instances to be in these modes:

  • "sync": Bidirectional synchronization between each Auth instance and the S3 bucket ("Primary")
  • "receive": Each Auth instance pulls updates from the S3 bucket ("Secondary")

The default mode for Auth instances with this backend is: "sync"

Deployment topologies

Single datacenter

Below diagram shows an Auth deployment with 2 replicas, each having its own local LMDB which is synchronised with the other instance via Lightning Stream and the S3 bucket.

Image title
Multiple primary datacenters

Below diagram shows 2 Auth deployments in different datacenters. With bidirectional replication enabled between the S3 buckets you can create an active-active replication topology. Any change to the dataset of any of these Auth instances is now replicated to all other Auth instances. If your S3 replication mechanism allows for it, you can expand this topology beyond 2 datacenters.

Image title
Primary & secondary datacenters

Below diagram shows 2 Auth deployments in different datacenters, but the deployment in datacenter #2 has been configured to be in "receive" mode. This creates a primary -> secondary replication setup.

Image title


If you have a Postgres (or compatible) database available, you can configure Auth to store its data in a Postgres database. Example with 2 Auth instances connected to the same Postgres database:

Image title

Or when you have a replicated Postgres database which you want to use from multiple Userplane deployments:

Image title


If you have a MySQL (or compatible) database available, you can configure Auth to store its data in a MySQL database. Example with 2 Auth instances connected to the same MySQL database:

Image title

Or when you have a replicated MySQL database which you want to use from multiple Userplane deployments:

Image title


The GeoIP backend allows zones to be managed via a YAML format included in the backend configuration and the inclusion of a GeoIP database. The records managed via this backend can make use of the GeoIP database to respond to DNS queries with an answer based on the request's origin. When deployed, it looks as follows:

Image title

Configuration Reference

Instance Sets

Sets of instances of Auth can be defined under the root node auths. Each instance set should be a key-value pair, with:

  • key: Name of the instance set
  • value: Dictionary holding the configuration of the instance set
    < Auth configuration >

Parameters which can be used to configure Auth instances for a specific instance set are shown in the below table.

Parameter Type Default Description
affinity k8s:Affinity Pod affinity (Kubernetes docs: Affinity and anti-affinity). If unset, a default anti-affinity is applied using antiAffinityPreset to spread pods across nodes
agentLogLevel string "info" Verbosity of logging for the agent container.
Available options: "debug" "info" "warn" "error"
agentLogFormat string "text" Format of logging for the agent container.
Available options: "text" "json"
agentResources k8s:Resources
cpu: 250m
memory: 256Mi
Resources allocated to the 'agent' container if resourceDefaults is true
antiAffinityPreset string "preferred" Pod anti affinity preset.
Available options: "preferred" "required"
api Auth API Auth API service and ingress configuration
apiKey string API key used to access the /api endpoint, used to configure a static key (default: generated and stored in a secret)
apiKeySecret string Name of the secret from which to take the API key, used when there is a pre-provisioned secret holding the api key
apiKeySecretItem string Name of the data item within apiKeySecret which holds the API key, used when there is a pre-provisioned secret holding the api key (default: api_key)
backends List of Backend Backend configuration
config dictionary {} Set of key:value pairs to configure Auth.
Parameters can be found here: Auth documentation
Parameters reserved by Cloud Control: "webserver*" "local*" "disable-syslog" "daemon" "chroot" "socket*" "config*" "primary" "secondary" "autosecondary"
containerSecurityContext k8s:SecurityContext
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
type: RuntimeDefault
- "ALL"
SecurityContext applied to each container
dnsdist dnsdistConfig Settings to be applied to each Auth instance when added to dnsdist as a server
hostNetwork boolean false Use host networking for pods
hpa HPA Horizontal Pod Autoscaling settings
initResources k8s:Resources
cpu: 250m
memory: 256Mi
Resources allocated to the 'auth-init' container if resourceDefaults is true
ixfrdist IXFRDist IXFRDist configuration
ixfrdistResources k8s:Resources
cpu: 250m
memory: 256Mi
Resources allocated to the 'ixfrdist' container if resourceDefaults is true
lightningStreamResources k8s:Resources
cpu: 1
memory: 2Gi
Resources allocated to the 'ls' container if resourceDefaults is true
lsMigratorInitResources k8s:Resources
cpu: 250m
memory: 256Mi
Resources allocated to the 'migrator-init' container if resourceDefaults is true
lsMigratorResources k8s:Resources
cpu: 250m
memory: 256Mi
Resources allocated to the 'migrator' container if resourceDefaults is true
nodeSelector k8s:NodeSelector {} Kubernetes pod nodeSelector
podAnnotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations to be added to each pod
podDisruptionBudget k8s:PodDisruptionBudgetSpec {} Spec of PodDisruptionBudget to be applied to deployment
podLabels k8s:Labels {} Labels to be added to each pod
podSecurityContext k8s:PodSecurityContext
fsGroup: 953
runAsUser: 953
runAsGroup: 953
runAsNonRoot: true
SecurityContext applied to each pod
replicas integer 2 Default number of replicas in a Deployment
resources k8s:Resources
cpu: 2
memory: 2Gi
Resources allocated to the 'auth' container
serviceLabels k8s:Labels {} Labels to be added to each service
tolerations List of k8s:Tolerations [] Kubernetes pod Tolerations

dnsdist Configuration

Using these parameters you can configure additional behaviour when instances of this instance set are added to dnsdist for loadbalancing:

Parameter Type Default Description
checkClass integer 1 Number to use as QCLASS in the health-check query.
Defaults to DNSClass.IN (1)
checkInterval integer The time in seconds between health checks
checkName string "" String to use as QNAME in the health-check query
checkTimeout integer 1000 The timeout (in milliseconds) of a health-check query
checkType string "A" String to use as QTYPE in the health-check query
disableZeroScope boolean false If true, disable the EDNS Client Subnet zero scope feature, which does a cache lookup for an answer valid for all subnets (ECS scope of 0) before adding ECS information to the query and doing the regular lookup. This requires the parseECS option of the corresponding cache to be set to true
healthCheckMode string "auto" Type of health-check to perform, default is "auto" which is configured using the checkName, checkType, etc parameters.
Alternatives are "up" (no healthcheck - always available for traffic) and "down" (no healthcheck - never available for traffic)
maxCheckFailures integer 1 Allow this amount of check failures before declaring the backend down
mustResolve boolean false If true, the health check must return a RCODE different from NXDomain, ServFail and Refused. Default is false, meaning that every RCODE except ServFail is considered valid
order integer The order of servers in this set, used by the leastOutstanding and firstAvailable policies
qps integer Limit the number of queries per second to this amount, when using the firstAvailable policy
reconnectOnUp boolean false If true, close and reopen the sockets when a server transits from Down to Up
retries integer The number of TCP connection attempts to servers for a given query
rise integer 1 Require NUM consecutive successful checks before declaring the backend up
setCD boolean false Set the CD (Checking Disabled) flag in the health-check query
sockets integer 1 Number of sockets (and thus source ports) used toward the backend server
source string Name of the interface which Dnsdist will use to try to send traffic to this Recursor
tcpConnectTimeout integer The timeout (in seconds) of a TCP connection attempt
tcpFastOpen boolean false Whether to enable TCP Fast Open
tcpRecvTimeout integer The timeout (in seconds) of a TCP read attempt
tcpSendTimeout integer The timeout (in seconds) of a TCP write attempt
useClientSubnet boolean false Add the client IP address in the EDNS Client Subnet option when forwarding the query to this backend
useProxyProtocol boolean false Add a proxy protocol header to the query, passing along the client IP address and port along with the original destination address and port
weight integer 1 The weight of servers in this set, used by the wrandom, whashed and chashed policies


Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) can be enabled by configuring the necessary parameters and setting enabled: true. For example:

      enabled: true
      minReplicas: 2
      maxReplicas: 6
        - type: Resource
            name: cpu
              type: Utilization
              averageUtilization: 70

Parameters which can be used to configure HPA:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
behavior k8sHorizontalPodAutoscalerBehavior Behavior of the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
enabled boolean yes false If true, enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
maxReplicas integer 4 Maximum number of replicas
metrics List of k8sMetricSpec Metric(s) upon which to make decisions regarding scaling
minReplicas integer 2 Minimum number of replicas


IXFRDist can be enabled by configuring the necessary parameters and setting enabled: true. For example:

      enabled: true
        - domain: "zone1.ixfrdist.local"
        - domain: "zone3.ixfrdist.local"

Above will enable IXFRDist for a static list of domains: zone1.ixfrdist.local and zone3.ixfrdist.local. Alternatively, you can configure IXFRDist to learn zones from the Auth instance with which it shares a pod:

      enabled: true
        enabled: true

Parameters which can be used to configure IXFRDist:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
acl List of string
- ""
- "::/0"
A list of netmasks that are allowed to query ixfrdist and request AXFRs and IXFRs
axfrMaxrecords integer 0 Maximum number of records allowed in an AXFR transaction requested by ixfrdist.
Default: 0 (unlimited)
axfrTimeout integer 20 Timeout in seconds an AXFR transaction requested by ixfrdist may take
compress boolean false If true, record compression is enabled, leading to smaller answers at the cost of an increased CPU and memory usage
domains List of IXFRDistDomain List of zones ixfrdist should attempt to transfer and re-serve over AXFR and IXFR
domainsConfigMap string Name of a pre-existing configmap from which to grab the domains.yaml containing a YAML representation of the domains argument (including domains: as root element)
enabled boolean yes false If true, enable IXFRDist
failedSOARetry integer 30 Time in seconds between retries of the SOA query for a zone we have never transferred
keep integer 20 Amount of older copies/IXFR diffs to keep for every domain
learn IXFRDistLearning Configuration of automated learning of zones from Auth
notify List of string A list of destinations to relay notify to for each zone redistributed by ixfrdist. Only relayed by ixfrdist when it receives a notify.
tcpInThreads integer 10 Number of threads to spawn for TCP connections from downstream hosts. This limits the number of concurrent AXFRs to clients
webserverACL List of string
- ""
- "::1/128"
A list of networks that are allowed to access the ixfrdist webserver
webserverLogLevel string "normal" Verbosity of the webserver.
Available options: "none" "normal" "detailed"

IXFRDist Domains

Parameters to configure IXFRDist domains. For example:

      enabled: true
        - domain: "zone1.ixfrdist.local"
          max-soa-refresh: 3600
        - domain: "zone3.ixfrdist.local"

Parameters available for each domain in the list:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
domain string yes Name of the zone
master string IP:port of master from which to attempt to transfer the zone.
Default: Automatically configured to the Auth instance
max-soa-refresh integer Maximum refresh time.
Default: None, respects the refresh time on the SOA record for the corresponding zone
notify List of string A list of destinations to relay notify to for this domain. Only relayed by ixfrdist when it receives a notify.

IXFRDist Learning

Parameters to configure IXFRDist learning from Auth. For example:

      enabled: true
        enabled: true

Parameters available to further configure learning:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
enabled boolean yes false Enable learning
exclude List of string [] If learning is enabled, exclude any zones which match this list of regular expressions (this is processed after the include filter)
include List of string [] If learning is enabled, include only zones which match this list of regular expressions (this is processed before the exclude filter)
interval integer 5 Interval in seconds between consecutive attempts to learn zones from Auth
maxSOARefresh integer Maximum refresh time.
Default: None, respects the refresh time on the SOA record for the corresponding zone

Auth API

Parameters to configure the Auth API. You can use these to configure access to the Auth API:

Parameter Type Default Description
ingress AuthAPIIngress {} Ingress configuration
service AuthAPIService Service object for Auth API.
Default: A ClusterIP service listening on port 8080
Auth API Ingress

Parameters to configure an Ingress for Auth API. For example:

        enabled: true
        ingressClassName: "nginx"
          - authapi.example.local
Parameter Type Default Description
annotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations for the ingress
enabled boolean false If true, create an ingress object
hosts List of string [] List of hosts for which the ingress should accept traffic (If using tls, this should also include the hosts listed on the tls object)
ingressClassName string Name of the ingress class
tls List of AuthAPIIngressTLS [] List of ingress tls configurations
Auth API Ingress TLS

Parameters to configure TLS for an ingress. For example:

        enabled: true
        ingressClassName: "nginx"
          - authapi.example.local
          - secretName: authapi-ingress-cert
            - authapi.example.local

The above example will result in an ingress for Auth API listening for authapi.example.local and serving the certificate contained in the secret authapi-ingress-cert.

Note: tls is a list of configurations. Below shows the parameters which can be used for each entry in that list:

Parameter Type Default Description
hosts List of string [] List of hosts for which the ingress should accept TLS traffic
secretName string "" Name of a secret containing the certificate to be used for this ingress
Auth API Service

Parameters to configure the service object for Auth API. For example:

        type: LoadBalancer
Parameter Type Default Description
allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts boolean true If true, services with type LoadBalancer automatically assign NodePorts. Can be set to false if the LoadBalancer provider does not rely on NodePorts
annotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations for the service
clusterIP string Static cluster IP, must be in the cluster's range of cluster IPs and not in use. Randomly assigned when not specified.
clusterIPs List of string List of static cluster IPs, must be in the cluster's range of cluster IPs and not in use.
externalIPs List of string List of IP addresses for which nodes in the cluster will also accept traffic for this service. These IPs are not managed by Kubernetes and must be user-defined on the cluster's nodes
externalTrafficPolicy string Cluster Can be set to Local to let nodes distribute traffic received on one of the externally-facing addresses (NodePort and LoadBalancer) solely to endpoints on the node itself
healthCheckNodePort integer For services with type LoadBalancer and externalTrafficPolicy Local you can configure this value to choose a static port for the NodePort which external systems (LoadBalancer provider mainly) can use to determine which node holds endpoints for this service
internalTrafficPolicy string Cluster Can be set to Local to let nodes distribute traffic received on the ClusterIP solely to endpoints on the node itself
labels k8s:Labels {} Labels to be added to the service
loadBalancerIP string Deprecated Kubernetes feature, available for backwards compatibility: IP address to attempt to claim for use by this LoadBalancer. Replaced by annotations specific to each LoadBalancer provider
loadBalancerSourceRanges List of string If supported by the LoadBalancer provider, restrict traffic to this LoadBalancer to these ranges
loadBalancerClass string Used to select a non-default type of LoadBalancer class to ensure the appropriate LoadBalancer provisioner attempt to manage this LoadBalancer service
publishNotReadyAddresses boolean false Service is populated with endpoints regardless of readiness state
sessionAffinity string None Can be set to ClientIP to attempt to maintain session affinity.
sessionAffinityConfig k8s:SessionAffinityConfig {} Configuration of session affinity
type string ClusterIP Type of service.
Available options: "ClusterIP" "LoadBalancer" "NodePort"

Backend Configuration

Parameters which can be used to configure a backend:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
type string yes Type of backend.
Available options: "ls" "postgres" "mysql" "geoip"
See below for more configuration options specific to each destination type.

Lightning Stream with S3

To configure Auth for Lightning Stream with S3, you need to configure at least the following:

      - type: ls
        bucket: myBucket
        endpoint: https://my.s3.endpoint
        secretName: my-s3-credentials

The full range of options available for this backend:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
access_key string S3 access key.
Use of secretName is recommended for security reasons
bucket string yes Name of the S3 bucket
cleanupDisabled boolean false If true, disable the cleanup mechanism
cleanupInterval go:DurationString 5m Interval between cleanup runs
cleanupMustKeepInterval go:DurationString 10m Determines how long snapshots must be kept after they appear in the bucket, even if a newer snapshot is available
cleanupRemoveOldInstancesInterval go:DurationString 168h Determines when an instance is considered stale and the latest snapshot for the instance can be considered for removal
endpoint_url string yes Endpoint of the S3 service to connect to
loglevel string "info" Log level.
Available options: "debug" "info" "warning" "error" "fatal"
lmdbEmptyDir k8sEmptyDirVolumeSource
medium: "Memory"
Configuration of the EmptyDir volume used to store LMDB
lmdbPollInterval go:DurationString 1s Minimum time between checking for new LMDB transactions
lmdbLogStatsInterval go:DurationString 30m Interval for logging LMDB stats
mapSize integer 1000 Size (in megabytes) of the LMDB databases. Should be increased for large datasets
memoryDownloadedSnapshots integer 3 Maximum amount of downloaded snapshots queued in memory before decompression
memoryDecompressedSnapshots integer 2 Maximum amount of decompressed snapshots in memory before processing
migratorInterval go:DurationString 5s Time between checks performed by the migrator to see if a migration is required
migratorLogFormat string "text" Migrator log format.
Available options: "text" "json"
migratorLogLevel string "info" Migrator log level.
Available options: "trace" "debug" "info" "warn" "error"
migratorPodAnnotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations to be added to the Migrator pod
migratorPodLabels k8s:Labels {} Labels to be added to the Migrator Pod
mode string "sync" Synchronization mode.
Available options: "sync" "receive"
region string "us-east-1" Region used when connecting to the S3 endpoint
removeOldSchemaAge go:DurationString 672h Time since the last successful migration of an old schema before removing it, if no updates have been made to the schema since then
removeOldSchemaEnabled boolean true Whether or not the migrator should clean up old schemas if they have been migrated successfully and not seen any updates since
secret_key string S3 secret key.
Use of secretName is recommended for security reasons
secretAccessKey string "access_key" If secretName is specified: name of the item inside the Secret which holds the access key
secretName string Name of a pre-existing Kubernetes Secret containing a username & password for authentication with Elastic
secretSecretKey string "secret_key" If secretName is specified: name of the item inside the Secret which holds the secret key
storageForceSnapshotInterval go:DurationString 4h Interval between forced snapshots created by an instance, if no changes have been observed
storagePollInterval go:DurationString 1s Minimum time between polling the storage backend for new snapshots
storageRetryInterval go:DurationString 5s Interval to retry a storage operation after failure
storageRetryCount integer 10 Number of times to retry a storage operation after failure, before giving up (only active if storageRetryForever is false)
storageRetryForever boolean true Retry failed storage operations forever before giving up
tls TLSConfig {} TLS configuration options
unreadyIfError boolean true Set readiness of LightingStream container to NotReady if LightningStream healthz endpoint reports any errors
unreadyIfWarning boolean false Set readiness of LightingStream container to NotReady if LightningStream healthz endpoint reports any warnings
waitForInitialSync boolean true Keep readiness of LightningStream container at NotReady until LightningStream has successfully finished the initial sync between the Auth container and the s3 bucket
S3 TLS Config

You can configure TLS for Lightning Stream with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
ca string CA in PEM format to use for validation
insecure_skip_verify boolean false Skip validation of the storage backend's certificate chain and hostname


To configure Auth for Postgres, you can configure the following:

      - type: postgres
        dbname: mydb
        user: some_user
        password: some_password

The full range of options available for this backend:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
dbname string yes Name of the database
host string yes Host/IP of the Postgres endpoint
password string Password to use for authentication.
Using secretName is preferred
port integer 5432 Port over which to access the Postgres endpoint
secretName string Name of a pre-existing Kubernetes Secret containing a username & password for authentication
secretPasswordKey string "password" If secretName is specified: name of the item inside the Secret which holds the password
secretUsernameKey string "username" If secretName is specified: name of the item inside the Secret which holds the username
sslmode string Postgres sslmode to use while connecting.
Optional, omitted if no value is provided
user string Username to use for authentication.
Using secretName is preferred


To configure Auth for MySQL, you can configure the following:

      - type: mysql
        dbname: mydb
        user: some_user
        password: some_password

The full range of options available for this backend:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
dbname string yes Name of the database
dnssec string "no" If "yes", enable DNSSEC processing for this backend
group string "client" Group to connect as
host string yes Host/IP of the MySQL endpoint
innodbReadCommitted string "no" If "yes", Use the InnoDB READ-COMMITTED transaction isolation level
password string Password to use for authentication.
Using secretName is preferred
port integer 3306 Port over which to access the MySQL endpoint
secretName string Name of a pre-existing Kubernetes Secret containing a username & password for authentication
secretPasswordKey string "password" If secretName is specified: name of the item inside the Secret which holds the password
secretUsernameKey string "username" If secretName is specified: name of the item inside the Secret which holds the username
ssl string Can be set to yes to force connecting via SSL.
Optional, default behaviour is to use SSL if the server announces this capability
timeout integer 10 Timeout in seconds for each attempt to read from, or write to the server.
A value of 0 will disable the timeout
user string Username to use for authentication.
Using secretName is preferred


To configure Auth for GeoIP, you can configure the following:

      - type: geoip
        databases: <Configuration of one or more GeoIP databases>
        domains: <Configuration of domains>

For the domains parameter, please refer to the PowerDNS Authoritative Server documentation: GeoIP domains

For the databases parameter there are several options. Cloud Control currently supports the following:

  • MaxMind Database via HTTP: Prebuilt databases by MaxMind, obtained via HTTP
  • MaxMind Database via OCI: Prebuilt databases by MaxMind, obtained via OCI
  • Custom: A database built by the Auth init container based on data you provide in the Helm configuration values
GeoIP: MaxMind via HTTP

To configure a MaxMind database which is available via HTTP, you can use the following:

      - type: geoip
        domains: <Configuration of domains>
          - name: MyDatabase
            type: http
            url: https://some_host/my-database.mmdb

The full range of options available for this database source:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
headers dictionary Dictionary of key: value pairs, where key is the header name and value is the value of the header
insecure boolean false If true, will download the database from an HTTPS URL without certificate validation
name string yes Name of this database source
params dictionary Dictionary of key: value pairs to be supplied to Curl, where key is the name of the Curl parameter and value is the value of the parameter
type string yes Must be http to use the database source
url string yes URL of the HTTP endpoint of the database
GeoIP: MaxMind via OCI

To configure a MaxMind database which is available via OCI, you can use the following:

      - type: geoip
        domains: <Configuration of domains>
          - name: MyOCIDB
            type: oci
            artifact: my_registry/repository/geo-city-mmdb:v2.4.0
            user: MyUser
            token: MyPassword

The full range of options available for this database source:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
name string yes Name of this database source
type string yes Must be oci to use the database source
artifact string yes URL of the HTTP endpoint of the database
user string yes User with which to connect to the registry
token string yes Token for user
GeoIP: Custom database

Configuring a GeoIP backend using a custom database can be done via the following configuration:

      - type: geoip
        domains: <Configuration of domains>
          - name: localdb
            type: generate
              <List of datacenters - see below>

Where datacenters is a list of different locations, for example:

      - type: geoip
        domains: <Configuration of domains>
          - name: localdb
            type: generate
              - name: DatacenterName
                lat: 52.370216
                long: 4.895168

Parameters you can use for each entry in the list:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
name string yes Name of this location
networks List of string yes List of networks to be assigned to this location
lat float yes Longitude of this location
long float yes Latitude of this location

A real world example would be a database of locations for 2 datacenters in the Netherlands: Amsterdam and Rotterdam. We can configure those locations as follows:

      - type: geoip
        domains: <Configuration of domains>
          - name: localdb
            type: generate
              - name: Amsterdam
                lat: 52.370216
                long: 4.895168
              - name: Rotterdam
                lat: 51.924419
                long: 4.477733

We could now use GeoIP to match source IPs and figure out if traffic is coming from a source closer to either the Amsterdam location or the Rotterdam location.