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The Userplane allows for the deployment of the PowerDNS base products for DNS Loadbalancing, Recursive DNS, Authoritative DNS and accompanying reporting & security solutions.

Below example shows a Userplane deployment with several components combined:

Image title
Overview of potential Userplane deployment

Due to the flexibility of the Helm Charts you can deploy any number of instances of a product and tie them together to satisfy your functional usecases. This includes the option to deploy multiple instances of the same product with different configurations.


Currently, the Userplane allows for the deployment of components which aid in the following areas:

  • DNS Loadbalancing: DNS, DoS and abuse-aware loadbalancing which brings out the best possible performance in any DNS deployment
  • Recursive DNS: High-performance, low latency DNS resolver
  • Authoritative DNS: Versatile authoritative server with a management GUI and backend tailored for distributed cloud-native deployments
  • Management: Management of Userplane components via Cloud Control API
  • Reporting: Distribution, conversion and storage of streams of DNS traffic protobuf messages generated by dnsdist and recursor
  • Security: Highly customizable filtering of DNS traffic in dnsdist and/or recursor

Helm Charts

Installation of the Userplane deployment can be done via the following Helm Charts:

Name Location Description
powerdns oci:// Manages a Userplane deployment
powerdns-crds oci:// Provides CRDs required for a Userplane deployment
powerdns-operators oci:// (Optional) Provides Operators for a Userplane deployment


You only need to install the powerdns-crds Helm Chart once in a cluster. The CRDs managed by this Helm Chart are cluster-scoped, meaning any number of Userplane deployments in the same cluster can utilize them. Whilst not required, we recommend installing the powerdns-crds Helm Chart into a dedicated namespace.


The powerdns-operators Helm Chart was originally made available to help easily deploy Postgres databases for use by Authoritative server and ZoneControl. You can still use it for this purpose, but we highly recommend using Lightning Stream with S3 for Authoritative server instead and a self-managed database for ZoneControl.


Installation of a Userplane deployment requires following the correct order. You must first deploy powerdns-crds (only once per cluster), since powerdns depends on some custom resource definitions managed by powerdns-crds. Below steps will walk you through a basic installation of a Userplane deployment on a cluster which does not yet have powerdns-crds available:

Before using the Helm Charts, make sure your helm is authenticated against the OX registry:

helm registry login --username=<REGISTRY_USERNAME> --password=<REGISTRY_PASSWORD>

You can then either install directly from the OX registry:

helm install <RELEASE_CRDS> --namespace=<CRD NAMESPACE> oci:// --version <VERSION>
helm install <RELEASE> --namespace=<NAMESPACE> oci:// --version <VERSION>

Or you can download the Helm Charts for offline usage:

helm pull oci:// --version <VERSION>
helm pull oci:// --version <VERSION>

This should result in files named powerdns-crds-<VERSION>.tgz and powerdns-<VERSION>.tgz which you can use to install from:

helm install <RELEASE_CRDS> --namespace=<CRD NAMESPACE> powerdns-crds-<VERSION>.tgz
helm install <RELEASE> --namespace=<NAMESPACE> powerdns-<VERSION>.tgz

Since Cloud Control Helm Charts are modular and highly configurable, you need to define and configure the components which you would like to deploy. The definition and configuration should be passed into the helm install command via the --values argument. To install directly from the OX registry with a YAML file named myenvironment.yaml you can use this command:

helm install <RELEASE> --namespace=<NAMESPACE> oci:// --version <VERSION> --values=myenvironment.yaml

Configuration Reference

Userplane uses the same concepts as Controlplane to define and configure components. To deploy a component, it must be defined by providing a key-value pair under the proper root node. For example to configure a set of instances of dnsdist and recursor:

    < dnsdist configuration >

    < recursor configuration >

You can also use this format to define multiple sets of instances of the same component, for example:

    < recursor configuration >
    < recursor configuration >

Parameters which can be used to configure Userplane are shown in the below table.

Parameter Type Default Description
api API Configuration options for Cloud Control API
auths Map of Auth Configuration options for Authoritative server
containerSecurityContext k8s:SecurityContext SecurityContext applied to all containers for all components. containerSecurityContext explicitly configured on an instance set takes precedence over this.
Default: Specified on the component level
dnsdists Map of dnsdist Configuration options for dnsdist
dstoredists Map of dstoredist Configuration options for dstoredist
filterSettings Map of FilterSettings Configuration options for filtering
global Global Configuration options for important global usage within the Cloud Control Helm Charts
ipFamily IPFamily Configuration options for cluster networking
podAnnotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations to be added to all pods. podAnnotations explicitly configured on an instance set takes precedence over this
podDisruptionBudget k8s:PodDisruptionBudgetSpec {} Spec of PodDisruptionBudget to be applied to all deployments. podDisruptionBudget explicitly configured on an instance set takes precedence over this
podLabels k8s:Labels {} Labels to be added to all pods. podLabels explicitly configured on an instance set takes precedence over this
podSecurityContext k8s:PodSecurityContext SecurityContext to be applied to all pods. podSecurityContext explicitly configured on an instance set takes precedence over this.
Default: Specified on the component level
prometheus Prometheus Configuration options for automatic Prometheus scraping if the Prometheus Operator is available
recursors Map of Recursor Configuration options for Recursor
resolvers Map of Resolver Configuration options for resolvers
resourceDefaults boolean false If true, apply default resource limits to each container
rulesets Map of Rulesets Configuration options for dnsdist rulesets
serviceLabels k8s:Labels {} Labels to be added to all services. serviceLabels explicitly configured on an instance set takes precedence over this
tolerations List of k8s:Tolerations Tolerations to be applied to all pods. tolerations explicitly configured on an instance set takes precedence over this
userBackends Map of UserBackend Configuration options for user backends
volumes List of Volume Configuration options for extra volumes on all instances
zonecontrols Map of ZoneControl Configuration options for ZoneControl


Global options for this Helm Chart allow for the configuration of:

  • Image pull secrets to configure access to the OX registry or a private cache/intermediary
  • Compatibility mode for supported non-standard Kubernetes platforms

Example of using global to configure a private registry where you stored copies of the Cloud Control container images:

    registry: "myregistry.local:8085"
    repository: "myrepository"

Or to configure Cloud Control to use a pre-existing Secret containing your registry credentials named my-registry-credentials:

    - my-registry-credentials

Parameters which can be used:

Parameter Type Default Description
image ImageOverrides {} Overrides to configure where container images are pulled from.
Default: The OX registry
imagePullSecrets Map of ImagePullSecret {} Image pull secrets for which Secrets should be created and then used by the service accounts to pull container images from the registry.
Recommendation: pre-provision the actual Secrets in your namespace and reference them using imagePullSecretsList
imagePullSecretsList List of string [] List of names of Secrets which should be used by service accounts to pull container images from the registry
openshift OpenShift {} Configuration of OpenSHift compatibility mode.
Default: disabled

Image Overrides

You can configure the Helm Chart to ensure Kubernetes pulls container images from a different location than the OX registry. For example:

    registry: "myregistry.local:8085"
    repository: "myrepository"

Parameters which can be used:

Parameter Type Default Description
registry string Override the base hostname of the URI from where container images are pulled
repository string Override the repository from which the container images are pulled.
Default: Varies based on the type of component
pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Force an image pull policy for all containers

Image Pull Secret

You can configure the Helm Chart to create Secrets for one or more sets of credentials to use to authenticate against a registry. Each entry should be a key-value pair, with:

  • key: Name of the secret
  • value: Dictionary holding the configuration of the secret

For example, to have an image pull secret with the name myIPSSecret to authenticate against the OX registry:

        username: <USERNAME>
        password: <PASSWORD>

Parameters which can be used:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
registry string yes Base URI of the registry
username string yes Username to authenticate with
password string yes Password for authentication
email string yes Email address to satisfy Kubernetes requirements for an image pull secrets in the desired format. Can contain dummy data as long as it satisfies the standard format of an email address


OpenShift requires some specific default settings in Cloud Control to be adjusted to satisfy the platform's requirements. You can configure this Helm Chart to deploy in OpenShift compatibility mode using the following example:

    enabled: true

Parameters which can be used:

Parameter Type Default Description
openshift boolean false If true, enable OpenShift compatibility mode


If you have the Prometheus Operator installed (either yourself or via the Monitoring Helm Chart), you can enable Cloud Control to automatically deploy the necessary PodMonitor objects to automate metric scraping. You can configure this Helm Chart to deploy the PodMonitor objects using the following example:

    available: true


If you want to forward/direct DNS traffic to endpoints which are not managed by Cloud Control, you can configure their IPs as external resolvers. Example of an external resolver configuration:


You can now reference externalresolvers as an endpoint for traffic, in dnsdist or recursor for example.

You can further configure resolvers using the following parameters:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
ips List of string yes List of IP addresses.
Can be both IPv4 and IPv6
port integer 53 Port to send traffic to
dnsdist dnsdistConfig Settings to be applied to each resolver endpoint when added to dnsdist as a server

Resolver: dnsdist Configuration

Using these parameters you can configure additional behaviour when instances of this resolver set are added to dnsdist for loadbalancing:

Parameter Type Default Description
checkClass integer 1 Number to use as QCLASS in the health-check query.
Defaults to DNSClass.IN (1)
checkInterval integer The time in seconds between health checks
checkName string "" String to use as QNAME in the health-check query
checkTimeout integer 1000 The timeout (in milliseconds) of a health-check query
checkType string "A" String to use as QTYPE in the health-check query
disableZeroScope boolean false If true, disable the EDNS Client Subnet zero scope feature, which does a cache lookup for an answer valid for all subnets (ECS scope of 0) before adding ECS information to the query and doing the regular lookup. This requires the parseECS option of the corresponding cache to be set to true
healthCheckMode string "auto" Type of health-check to perform, default is "auto" which is configured using the checkName, checkType, etc parameters.
Alternatives are "up" (no healthcheck - always available for traffic) and "down" (no healthcheck - never available for traffic)
maxCheckFailures integer 1 Allow this amount of check failures before declaring the backend down
mustResolve boolean false If true, the health check must return a RCODE different from NXDomain, ServFail and Refused. Default is false, meaning that every RCODE except ServFail is considered valid
order integer The order of servers in this set, used by the leastOutstanding and firstAvailable policies
qps integer Limit the number of queries per second to this amount, when using the firstAvailable policy
reconnectOnUp boolean false If true, close and reopen the sockets when a server transits from Down to Up
retries integer The number of TCP connection attempts to servers for a given query
rise integer 1 Require NUM consecutive successful checks before declaring the backend up
setCD boolean false Set the CD (Checking Disabled) flag in the health-check query
sockets integer 1 Number of sockets (and thus source ports) used toward the backend server
source string Name of the interface which Dnsdist will use to try to send traffic to this Recursor
tcpConnectTimeout integer The timeout (in seconds) of a TCP connection attempt
tcpFastOpen boolean false Whether to enable TCP Fast Open
tcpRecvTimeout integer The timeout (in seconds) of a TCP read attempt
tcpSendTimeout integer The timeout (in seconds) of a TCP write attempt
useClientSubnet boolean false Add the client IP address in the EDNS Client Subnet option when forwarding the query to this backend
useProxyProtocol boolean false Add a proxy protocol header to the query, passing along the client IP address and port along with the original destination address and port
weight integer 1 The weight of servers in this set, used by the wrandom, whashed and chashed policies

User Backends

User Backends are reusable sets of configuration which you can apply to components which require authentication and authorization. Having them defined as their own configuration item allows you to re-use them for multiple components. Components which can utilize these user backends:

  • Cloud Control API
  • ZoneControl

When configuring a user backend, you always need to supply the following:

    type: <Type of user backend>

Based on the type you will have different configuration options available. Currently supported backends:

More backends are planned for future Cloud Control releases.

User Backend: LDAP

When the type is set to ldap, you can configure the following parameters:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
attrFirstName string "givenName" Name of LDAP attribute to attempt to take a user's first name from
attrLastName string "sn" Name of LDAP attribute to attempt to take a user's last name from
attrEmail string "mail" Name of LDAP attribute to attempt to take a user's email address from
bindUser string DN of an LDAP user to connect with for user/group searching. Only used if bindSecretName is not set
bindPassword string Password of user configured via bindUser. Only used if bindSecretName is not set
bindSecretName string Name of a pre-existing secret holding DN & password of a user to connect with for user/group searching. Has priority over bindUser and bindPassword
bindSecretUserKey string "username" Name of item in bindSecretName Secret containing the user DN
bindSecretPasswordKey string "password" Name of item in bindSecretName Secret containing the password
cacheTimeout integer 0 If configured, allow applications using this userBackend to cache data from LDAP for this duration (in seconds)
caSecret string Name of a pre-existing Secret from which to load CA certificates.
Note: Secret must have a ca.crt data item
clientSecret string Name of a pre-existing Secret from which to load client certificate + key.
Note: Secret must have tls.crt and tls.key data items
groupType string "posixGroup" Object class of groups to use for determining group membership.
Available options: "posixGroup" "groupOfNames" "groupOfUniqueNames"
groupBases List of GroupBase [] List of base locations inside LDAP to search for groups
host string LDAP host to connect to
insecureSkipVerify boolean false Whether or not to skip verification of certificates presented by the LDAP endpoint
port integer 389 LDAP port to connect to. Only used if host is set
scheme string "ldap" LDAP scheme to connect with. Only used if host is set
uri string LDAP connect string (Must be full connect string, ie: ldap://my.ldap.service.local:389). Has priority over host
userAttr string "uid" Name of LDAP attribute to use to search for a user using their username. Usually sAMAccountName for Active Directory users
userBases List of UserBase [] List of base locations inside LDAP to search for users

Note: You must set either a host or uri to ensure the LDAP connector has an address to connect to.

Group bases

Group bases allow you to specify base locations within LDAP to search for groups. You can configure a group base with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
base string yes Base location for groups
scope string "subtree" Scope to search base with.
Available options: "base" "onelevel" "subtree"
filters dictionary {} Dictionary of LDAP filters to apply when searching for groups

An example with 2 group bases defined:

    type: ldap
    uri: "ldap://openldap.openldap.svc.cluster.local:636"

      - base: "ou=groups,dc=example,dc=org"
      - base: "ou=moregroups,dc=example,dc=org"
        scope: "onelevel"
          objectClass: "orgGroup"
          cn: "internal-*"

The group base for "ou=moregroups,dc=example,dc=org" has a modified scope and applies filters:

  • LDAP group attribute objectClass must match "orgGroup"
  • LDAP group attribute cn must start with "internal-"

User bases

User bases allow you to specify base locations within LDAP to search for users. You can configure a user base with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
base string yes Base location for users
scope string "subtree" Scope to search base with.
Available options: "base" "onelevel" "subtree"
filters dictionary {} Dictionary of LDAP filters to apply when searching for users

An example with a user base defined:

    type: ldap
    uri: "ldap://openldap.openldap.svc.cluster.local:636"

      - base: "ou=users,dc=example,dc=org"
          objectClass: "orgUser"

The user base for "ou=users,dc=example,dc=org" has a filter applied:

  • LDAP user attribute objectClass must match "orgUser"

Posix-based LDAP example

A configuration example with a Posix-based LDAP user backend:

    type: ldap
    uri: "ldaps://openldap.openldap.svc.cluster.local:636"
    caSecretName: "ldap-ca-cert"
    bindSecretName: "ldap-bind-user"

      - base: "ou=users,dc=example,dc=org"

      - base: "ou=groups,dc=example,dc=org"

Active Directory example

A configuration example with an Active Directory-based LDAP user backend:

    type: ldap
    uri: "ldaps://my.ldap.service:636"
    caSecretName: "ad-ca-cert"
    bindSecretName: "ad-bind-user"

    userAttr: sAMAccountName
      - base: "ou=users,dc=example,dc=org"

    groupType: groupOfNames
      - base: "ou=groups,dc=example,dc=org"


To configure additional storage for all instances in a Cloud Control installation you can add a volumes parameter at the top-level:

  - name: example
    mountPath: /example
      emptyDir: {}

Parameters which can be used:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
name string yes Name of the volume
mountPath string yes Path to which the volume will be mounted. Make sure this is not generic enough to potentially conflict with other volumes
volumeSource k8sVolumeSource yes A valid Kubernetes VolumeSource
allContainers boolean false If true, mount this to all containers.
Default: false (Mounts the volume only to container running the core PowerDNS components)
readOnly boolean false If true, mount the volume in read-only mode

IP Family

Some components require knowledge of the cluster's networking stack in order to function optimally. There are three parameters which should be configured here:

Parameter Type Default Description
ipv4 boolean true If true, enable IPv4 connectivity on service objects and for internal communication
ipv6 boolean false If true, enable IPv6 connectivity on service objects and for internal communication
families List of string
- "IPv4"
- "IPv6"
Ordered list of preference if both IPv4 and IPv6 are available on the cluster

There are currently 4 different combinations which you can utilize:

  • IPv4: Singlestack - IPv4
  • IPv6: Singlestack - IPv6
  • IPv46: Dualstack - IPv4 primary
  • IPv64: Dualstack - IPv6 primary

Singlestack: IPv4

In an IPv4-only cluster, you can omit the configuration altogether, because this is the default setting for Cloud Control. If you want to be explicit and configure it anyways, it will be the following:

  ipv4: true
  ipv6: false

Singlestack: IPv6

In an IPv6-only cluster, the following should be configured:

  ipv4: false
  ipv6: true

Dualstack: IPv4 Primary

When running a dualstack networking setup with IPv4 as primary, you can use the following configuration:

  ipv4: true
  ipv6: true
    - "IPv4"
    - "IPv6"

Dualstack: IPv6 Primary

When running a dualstack networking setup with IPv6 as primary, you can use the following configuration (note the order of the families has changed and now lists IPv6 first):

  ipv4: true
  ipv6: true
    - "IPv6"
    - "IPv4"