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Configuration Reference


The monitoring Helm Chart can be configured via the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
global Global Configuration options for important global usage within the Cloud Control Helm Charts
grafana Grafana Configuration options for Grafana
kube-state-metrics Kube-state-metrics Configuration options for Kube-state-metrics
prometheus Prometheus Configuration options for Prometheus
prometheus-adapter PrometheusAdapter Configuration options for Prometheus Adapter


You can configure Grafana using the following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
affinity k8s:Affinity {} pod affinity (Kubernetes docs: Affinity and anti-affinity)
config ext:GrafanaConfig
mode: "console"
level: "warn"
disable_login_form: False
disable_signout_menu: False
enabled: False
Grafana configuration
Note: This allows for a large amount of flexibility (to configure an additional authentication provider for example), but can also break Grafana if misconfigured.
containerSecurityContext k8s:SecurityContext
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
type: RuntimeDefault
- "ALL"
SecurityContext applied to each container
dashboards boolean true If true, deploy the Grafana dashboards for PowerDNS products
dashboardLabels dictionary {} Set of key:value pairs to be as labels on each dashboard.
my.label/name: some-value
enabled boolean true If true, deploy Grafana
ingress MonitoringIngress {} Ingress configuration
nodeSelector k8s:NodeSelector {} Kubernetes pod nodeSelector
podAnnotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations to be added to each pod
podSecurityContext k8s:PodSecurityContext
fsGroup: 2000
runAsUser: 1000
runAsGroup: 2000
runAsNonRoot: true
SecurityContext applied to each pod
resources k8s:Resources {} Resources allocated to the grafana container
service GrafanaService Service object for Grafana.
Default: A ClusterIP service listening on port 3000
tolerations List of k8s:Tolerations [] Kubernetes pod Tolerations

Note: If you have Grafana running already in your cluster via the Grafana Operator, you can set enabled: false and leave the default dashboards: true to only deploy the dashboards.

Grafana Service

Parameters to configure the service object for Grafana. For example:

    type: LoadBalancer
    annotations: name_of_pool
Parameter Type Default Description
annotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations for the service
clusterIP string Static cluster IP, must be in the cluster's range of cluster IPs and not in use. Randomly assigned when not specified.
loadBalancerClass string Used to select a non-default type of LoadBalancer class to ensure the appropriate LoadBalancer provisioner attempt to manage this LoadBalancer service
type string ClusterIP Type of service.
Available options: "ClusterIP" "LoadBalancer" "NodePort"


You can configure Kube-state-metrics using the following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
affinity k8s:Affinity {} pod affinity (Kubernetes docs: Affinity and anti-affinity)
containerSecurityContext k8s:SecurityContext
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
type: RuntimeDefault
- "ALL"
SecurityContext applied to each container
enabled boolean true If true, deploy Kube-state-metrics
nodeSelector k8s:NodeSelector {} Kubernetes pod nodeSelector
podAnnotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations to be added to each pod
podSecurityContext k8s:PodSecurityContext
fsGroup: 65534
runAsUser: 65534
runAsGroup: 65534
runAsNonRoot: true
SecurityContext applied to each pod
replicas integer 1 Number of replicas
resources k8s:Resources {} Resources allocated to the grafana container
tolerations List of k8s:Tolerations [] Kubernetes pod Tolerations


You can configure Prometheus using the following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
affinity k8s:Affinity {} pod affinity (Kubernetes docs: Affinity and anti-affinity)
alertRules boolean true If true, deploy the Prometheus alert rules for PowerDNS products
containerSecurityContext k8s:SecurityContext
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
type: RuntimeDefault
- "ALL"
SecurityContext applied to each container
enabled boolean true If true, deploy Prometheus
externalLabels dictionary {} Set of key:value pairs to be configured on Prometheus to be used when metrics are exposed to a larger mesh of Prometheus instances (for example when using Thanos).
location: eu-central-1
ingress MonitoringIngress {} Ingress configuration
nodeSelector k8s:NodeSelector {} Kubernetes pod nodeSelector
podAnnotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations to be added to each pod
podSecurityContext k8s:PodSecurityContext
fsGroup: 2000
runAsUser: 1000
runAsGroup: 2000
runAsNonRoot: true
SecurityContext applied to each pod
replicas integer 1 Number of replicas
resources k8s:Resources {} Resources allocated to the prometheus container
service PrometheusService Service object for Prometheus.
Default: A ClusterIP service listening on port 9090
thanos ThanosConfiguration Configuration of Thanos
tolerations List of k8s:Tolerations [] Kubernetes pod Tolerations

Prometheus Service

Parameters to configure the service object for Prometheus. For example:

    type: LoadBalancer
    annotations: name_of_pool
Parameter Type Default Description
allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts boolean true If true, services with type LoadBalancer automatically assign NodePorts. Can be set to false if the LoadBalancer provider does not rely on NodePorts
annotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations for the service
clusterIP string Static cluster IP, must be in the cluster's range of cluster IPs and not in use. Randomly assigned when not specified.
clusterIPs List of string List of static cluster IPs, must be in the cluster's range of cluster IPs and not in use.
externalIPs List of string List of IP addresses for which nodes in the cluster will also accept traffic for this service. These IPs are not managed by Kubernetes and must be user-defined on the cluster's nodes
externalTrafficPolicy string Cluster Can be set to Local to let nodes distribute traffic received on one of the externally-facing addresses (NodePort and LoadBalancer) solely to endpoints on the node itself
healthCheckNodePort integer For services with type LoadBalancer and externalTrafficPolicy Local you can configure this value to choose a static port for the NodePort which external systems (LoadBalancer provider mainly) can use to determine which node holds endpoints for this service
internalTrafficPolicy string Cluster Can be set to Local to let nodes distribute traffic received on the ClusterIP solely to endpoints on the node itself
loadBalancerIP string Deprecated Kubernetes feature, available for backwards compatibility: IP address to attempt to claim for use by this LoadBalancer. Replaced by annotations specific to each LoadBalancer provider
loadBalancerSourceRanges List of string If supported by the LoadBalancer provider, restrict traffic to this LoadBalancer to these ranges
loadBalancerClass string Used to select a non-default type of LoadBalancer class to ensure the appropriate LoadBalancer provisioner attempt to manage this LoadBalancer service
publishNotReadyAddresses boolean false Service is populated with endpoints regardless of readiness state
sessionAffinity string None Can be set to ClientIP to attempt to maintain session affinity.
sessionAffinityConfig k8s:SessionAffinityConfig {} Configuration of session affinity
type string ClusterIP Type of service.
Available options: "ClusterIP" "LoadBalancer" "NodePort"

Thanos Configuration

You can use the enabled parameter inside thanos to enable Thanos. For example:

    datacenter: dc1
    enabled: true

Note: externalLabels is recommended to be configured when Thanos is enabled to ensure you can distinguish between metrics gathered from the different locations.

When Thanos is enabled, the following happens:

  • Prometheus pods have an extra container: thanos-sidecar
  • A GRPC ClusterIP Service is created named prometheus-thanos-grpc
  • An HTTP ClusterIP Service is created named prometheus-thanos-http

To further configure these endpoints, you can refer to the following:

Thanos services

To configure the Thanos service objects, you can use the same syntax as the generic PrometheusService. For example:

    datacenter: dc1
    enabled: true

        type: LoadBalancer

        type: LoadBalancer

For the GRPC communication, you can configure TLS. The tls parameter allows selection of an existing TLS secret with a tls.key & tls.crt to use for enabling TLS on incoming traffic. The clientca parameter needs a secret to be available with a ca.crt data item which it can use to validate outgoing connections to TLS enabled endpoints.

For example:

    datacenter: dc1
    enabled: true

        type: LoadBalancer
        secret: my-tls-secret
        secret: my-ca-secret

        type: LoadBalancer
Thanos HTTP ingress

For the inbound HTTP communication, you can configure an ingress. The ingress parameter takes the same syntax as the generic MonitoringIngress.

For example:

    datacenter: dc1
    enabled: true

        enabled: true
        ingressClassName: "nginx"
          - thanos.example.local
          - secretName: thanos-ingress-cert
            - thanos.example.local

Prometheus Adapter

You can configure Prometheus Adapter using the following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
affinity k8s:Affinity {} pod affinity (Kubernetes docs: Affinity and anti-affinity)
containerSecurityContext k8s:SecurityContext
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
type: RuntimeDefault
- "ALL"
SecurityContext applied to each container
enabled boolean true If true, deploy Kube-state-metrics
nodeSelector k8s:NodeSelector {} Kubernetes pod nodeSelector
podAnnotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations to be added to each pod
podSecurityContext k8s:PodSecurityContext
fsGroup: 10001
runAsUser: 10001
runAsGroup: 10001
runAsNonRoot: true
SecurityContext applied to each pod
replicas integer 1 Number of replicas
resources k8s:Resources {} Resources allocated to the grafana container
rules PrometheusAdapterRules Configuration of rules for Prometheus Adapter, see PrometheusAdapterRules for more information
tolerations List of k8s:Tolerations [] Kubernetes pod Tolerations

Prometheus Adapter Rules

By default, Prometheus Adapter in Cloud Control is configured with a few basic rules for calculating metrics. An example of one such rule:

- seriesQuery: 'dnsdist_queries'
      namespace: {resource: "namespace"}
      pod: {resource: "pod"}
    matches: "^(.*)"
    as: "${1}_per_second"
  metricsQuery: 'sum(rate(<<.Series>>{<<.LabelMatchers>>}[1m])) by (<<.GroupBy>>)'

In the above rule, a metric is exposed to the Kubernetes API named dnsdist_queries_per_second, which is based on the rate at which the dnsdist_queries value increases per second. This metric will be available for each pod which has a corresponding value for dnsdist_queries in Prometheus. For more information on this syntax, refer to: Prometheus Adapter documentation.

To supply your own rules, you can use the following parameter:

      - seriesQuery: 'dnsdist_queries'
            namespace: {resource: "namespace"}
            pod: {resource: "pod"}
          matches: "^(.*)"
          as: "${1}_per_second"
        metricsQuery: 'sum(rate(<<.Series>>{<<.LabelMatchers>>}[1m])) by (<<.GroupBy>>)'

Monitoring Ingress

Parameters to configure the ingress object for several components in a Monitoring deployment. For example for Grafana:

    enabled: true
    ingressClassName: "nginx"
Parameter Type Default Description
annotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations for the ingress
enabled boolean false If true, create an ingress object
hosts List of string [] List of hosts for which the ingress should accept traffic (If using tls, this should also include the hosts listed on the tls object)
ingressClassName string Name of the ingress class
tls List of IngressTLS [] List of ingress tls configurations

Ingress TLS

Parameters to configure TLS for an ingress. For example for Grafana:

    enabled: true
    ingressClassName: "nginx"
      - grafana.example.local
      - secretName: grafana-ingress-cert
        - grafana.example.local

The above example will result in an ingress for Grafana listening for grafana.example.local and serving the certificate contained in the secret grafana-ingress-cert.

Note: tls is a list of configurations. Below shows the parameters which can be used for each entry in that list:

Parameter Type Default Description
hosts List of string [] List of hosts for which the ingress should accept TLS traffic
secretName string "" Name of a secret containing the certificate to be used for this ingress

Monitoring Operators

The monitoring-operators Helm Chart can be configured via the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
global Global Configuration options for important global usage within the Cloud Control Helm Charts
grafana-operator GrafanaOperator Configuration options for Grafana Operator
prometheus-operator PrometheusOperator Configuration options for Prometheus Operator

Grafana Operator

You can configure Grafana Operator using the following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
affinity k8s:Affinity pod affinity (Kubernetes docs: Affinity and anti-affinity). If unset, a default anti-affinity is applied using antiAffinityPreset to spread pods across nodes
antiAffinityPreset string "preferred" pod anti affinity preset.
Available options: "preferred" "required"
containerSecurityContext k8s:SecurityContext
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
type: RuntimeDefault
- "ALL"
SecurityContext applied to each container
enabled boolean true If true, deploy Grafana Operator
nodeSelector k8s:NodeSelector {} Kubernetes pod nodeSelector
podAnnotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations to be added to each pod
podSecurityContext k8s:PodSecurityContext
fsGroup: 2000
runAsUser: 1000
runAsGroup: 2000
runAsNonRoot: true
SecurityContext applied to each pod
tolerations List of k8s:Tolerations [] Kubernetes pod Tolerations

Prometheus Operator

You can configure Prometheus Operator using the following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
affinity k8s:Affinity pod affinity (Kubernetes docs: Affinity and anti-affinity). If unset, a default anti-affinity is applied using antiAffinityPreset to spread pods across nodes
antiAffinityPreset string "preferred" pod anti affinity preset.
Available options: "preferred" "required"
containerSecurityContext k8s:SecurityContext
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
type: RuntimeDefault
- "ALL"
SecurityContext applied to each container
enabled boolean true If true, deploy Prometheus Operator
nodeSelector k8s:NodeSelector {} Kubernetes pod nodeSelector
podAnnotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations to be added to each pod
podSecurityContext k8s:PodSecurityContext
fsGroup: 65534
runAsUser: 65534
runAsGroup: 65534
runAsNonRoot: true
SecurityContext applied to each pod
tolerations List of k8s:Tolerations [] Kubernetes pod Tolerations


Global options for these Helm Charts allow for the configuration of:

  • Image pull secrets to configure access to the OX registry or a private cache/intermediary
  • Compatibility mode for supported non-standard Kubernetes platforms

Example of using global to configure a private registry where you stored copies of the Cloud Control container images:

    registry: "myregistry.local:8085"
    repository: "myrepository"

Or to configure Cloud Control to use a pre-existing Secret containing your registry credentials named my-registry-credentials:

    - my-registry-credentials

Parameters which can be used:

Parameter Type Default Description
image ImageOverrides {} Overrides to configure where container images are pulled from.
Default: The OX registry
imagePullSecrets Map of ImagePullSecret {} Image pull secrets for which Secrets should be created and then used by the service accounts to pull container images from the registry.
Recommendation: pre-provision the actual Secrets in your namespace and reference them using imagePullSecretsList
imagePullSecretsList List of string [] List of names of Secrets which should be used by service accounts to pull container images from the registry
openshift OpenShift {} Configuration of OpenSHift compatibility mode.
Default: disabled

Image Overrides

You can configure the Helm Chart to ensure Kubernetes pulls container images from a different location than the OX registry. For example:

    registry: "myregistry.local:8085"
    repository: "myrepository"

Parameters which can be used:

Parameter Type Default Description
registry string Override the base hostname of the URI from where container images are pulled
repository string Override the repository from which the container images are pulled.
Default: Varies based on the type of component
pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Force an image pull policy for all containers

Image Pull Secret

You can configure the Helm Chart to create Secrets for one or more sets of credentials to use to authenticate against a registry. Each entry should be a key-value pair, with:

  • key: Name of the secret
  • value: Dictionary holding the configuration of the secret

For example, to have an image pull secret with the name myIPSSecret to authenticate against the OX registry:

        username: <USERNAME>
        password: <PASSWORD>

Parameters which can be used:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
registry string yes Base URI of the registry
username string yes Username to authenticate with
password string yes Password for authentication
email string yes Email address to satisfy Kubernetes requirements for an image pull secrets in the desired format. Can contain dummy data as long as it satisfies the standard format of an email address


OpenShift requires some specific default settings in Cloud Control to be adjusted to satisfy the platform's requirements. You can configure this Helm Chart to deploy in OpenShift compatibility mode using the following example:

    enabled: true

Parameters which can be used:

Parameter Type Default Description
openshift boolean false If true, enable OpenShift compatibility mode