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Monitoring helps provide insight into Cloud Control deployments. The monitoring stack is built using the following components:

  • Grafana: Visualisation
  • Prometheus: Metrics gathering & storage
  • kube-state-metrics (KSM): Service that exposes Kubernetes metrics to prometheus
  • Prometheus Adapter: Exposes Prometheus metrics via Kubernetes Metrics API

The stack can be deployed in its entirety, or partially, depending on your existing monitoring infrastructure. When the full stack is deployed, the result will be a namespace containing the following components:

Image title
Overview of Monitoring deployment with all components enabled

The following chapter explains the components currently included in the Monitoring deployment.


To help manage the Grafana & Prometheus instances, 2 operators are deployed:

  • Prometheus Operator: Manages the Prometheus deployment and facilitates the automatic discovery and configuration of metrics endpoints of PowerDNS components
  • Grafana Operator: Manages the Grafana deployment and ensures the Cloud Control dashboards are available in Grafana

The operators are managed via the Helm Chart named monitoring-operators.

Helm Charts

Installation of the Monitoring deployment can be done via the following Helm Charts:

Name Location Description
monitoring oci:// Manages a Monitoring deployment
monitoring-operators oci:// Provides Operators for a Monitoring deployment


Both Helm Charts must be installed into the same namespace for them to properly work.


Installation of the Monitoring deployment requires following the correct order. You must first deploy monitoring-operators, since monitoring depends on some custom resource definitions supplied by the operators. Below steps will walk you through a basic installation of the Monitoring deployment:

Before using the Helm Charts, make sure your helm is authenticated against the OX registry:

helm registry login --username=<REGISTRY_USERNAME> --password=<REGISTRY_PASSWORD>

You can then either install directly from the OX registry:

helm install <RELEASE_OPERATORS> --namespace=<NAMESPACE> oci:// --version <VERSION>
helm install <RELEASE> --namespace=<NAMESPACE> oci:// --version <VERSION>

Or you can download the Helm Charts for offline usage:

helm pull oci:// --version <VERSION>
helm pull oci:// --version <VERSION>

This should result in files named monitoring-operators-<VERSION>.tgz and monitoring-<VERSION>.tgz which you can use to install from:

helm install <RELEASE_OPERATORS> --namespace=<NAMESPACE> monitoring-operators-<VERSION>.tgz
helm install <RELEASE> --namespace=<NAMESPACE> monitoring-<VERSION>.tgz

By default all Monitoring components are enabled, so you should now have a Monitoring deployment which resembles the diagram in the overview. To configure the Monitoring deployment you can supply override values with the --values argument for the monitoring chart. For example, to install the monitoring chart directly from the OX registry with a YAML file named myenvironment.yaml you can use this command:

helm install <RELEASE> --namespace=<NAMESPACE> oci:// --version <VERSION> --values=myenvironment.yaml