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Command Source

Command Source is a feed generator which executes a custom script at set intervals and exposes the resulting feed over HTTP.

The main functionality is captured in the below diagram:

Image title
Overview of Command Source

In the diagram you can see the main 2 components:

  • commandsource container is responsible for running the script and storing the resulting feed in the "feed storage"
  • webserver container is responsible for exposing the feed stored in "feed storage"



For Command Source to be able to interpret the output of the script as data for a feed, the script must produce the following:

  • Feed codes file (JSON)
  • Feed snapshot file (TSV)
  • Metadata (JSON)

Feed codes file

The feed codes file is commonly referred to as feed-codes.json. In this file the categories are defined and assigned a code (an ID which we can use in filtering rules). Example of the contents of this file:

  "v": 1,
  "codes": [
    {"code": 1, "title": "documentation"},
    {"code": 2, "title": "examples"},
    {"code": 3, "title": "netherlands"},

The above example feed-codes.json defines numerical codes for 3 categories. This includes a documentation category, with code 1.

The format to which this file has to adhere is as follows:

# (Required) Internal version field, currently must be set to 1
v: integer

# (Optional) Indicates if a codename should be used instead of the numeric code.
# This defaults to false, which is recommended for most feeds.
# Do not turn this on unless you fully understand the implications.
named_codes: boolean

# (Required) A list of objects describing each code
codes: list of code objects

Where "code objects" must adhere to:

# (Required) The code-number of this category (1-65535).
# Classification codes do not have to be consecutive.
code: uint16

# (Required) The title for this category (should be concise)
title: string

# (Optional) Description for this code (can be verbose)
desc: string

# (Optional) String name to be used for code when named_codes is set
codename: string

Feed snapshot file

The feed snapshot file is a tab-separated file which contains the DomainPaths and which categories they should belong to. Example of the contents of this file (note: The \t characters represent a tab since this is a tab-separated file):\t1\t2\t2\t2\t2,3

The above (combined with the previous chapter's feed codes example) ends up with the following DomainPath to Category mapping:

Category Code Category Title DomainPaths
1 documentation
2 examples
3 netherlands

Notes about this file format:

  • Empty lines are allowed
  • Lines starting with a # can be used for comments
  • The same DomainPath is allowed to appear multiple times. All the codes discovered this way are combined and appear in the generated feed

Metadata JSON

When the Feed codes & snapshot files have been generated, the Command Source engine needs to be informed about it so they can be processed before they are served by the webserver. Minimalistic example of the contents of this metadata:

  "v": 1,
  "codes_file": "/tmp/feed-codes.json",
  "csv_file": "/tmp/feed-snapshot.tsv",

The format to which this metadata has to adhere is as follows:

# (Required) Internal version field, currently must be set to 1
v: integer

# (Required) Path to the feed codes file (JSON)
codes_file: string

# (Required) Path to the feed snapshot file (TSV)
# Required
csv_file: string

# (Optional) Version field which can be used by Command Source to quickly determine whether
# a generated set of data needs to lead to the feed being rebuilt. A script can 
# access the `OXFEED_LAST_VERSION` environment variable to see the version 
# returned by the previous iteration of the script execution.
# This can potentially be used to create logic to prevent attempting to generate large feeds
# more often than necessary. For example, when loading feed codes and snapshots from a database
# you could use this to check whether or not the contents of the database have changed and
# hence require generating an updated feed
version: string

Command Source response

When the Feed codes & snapshot files are ready and the metadata has been constructed, Command Source needs to be informed. This is done by having the script output a line of text to the stdout in a specific format. This line should be as follows:


Using our example from the previous chapters, we should output this:

OXFEED_GENERATOR_RESULT: {"v": 1, "codes_file": "/tmp/feed-codes.json", "csv_file": "/tmp/feed-snapshot.tsv"}

Note: This must be one line and will only be read if the script exits with code 0

Execution Environment

Currently Command Source provides support for the following script execution engines:

  • Python 3
  • Shell script (sh)

Scripts executed by Command Source have access to the following:

  • All files contained within the Configmap referenced by scriptConfigMap can be accessed by the script inside the directory stored in environment variable named CC_SCRIPT_DIR (/script)
  • All items inside the secret referenced by scriptSecretName can be accessed by the script inside the directory stored in environment variable named CC_SECRETS_DIR (/script_secrets)
  • A writable local volume is accessible by the script, the path of which is stored in environment variable named CC_TEMP_DIR (/tmp)

Script Example

Below is an example Python3 script which will generate the feed used in the above chapters:

import json, tempfile

# Write feed codes JSON file
codes = {
  "v": 1,
  "codes": [
    {"code": 1, "title": "documentation"},
    {"code": 2, "title": "examples"},
    {"code": 3, "title": "netherlands"},

_, codes_path = tempfile.mkstemp()
with open(codes_path, 'w') as f:
  json.dump(codes, f)

# Write feed snapshot TSV file
_, snapshot_path = tempfile.mkstemp()
with open(snapshot_path, 'w') as f:
  print("\t1", file=f)
  print("\t2", file=f)
  print("\t2", file=f)
  print("\t2", file=f)
  print("\t2,3", file=f)

# Construct metadata JSON
result = {
  "v": 1,
  "csv_file": snapshot_path,
  "codes_file": codes_path,

# Output for Command Source to be informed of updated feed
print("OXFEED_GENERATOR_RESULT: {}".format(json.dumps(result)))

To make the above script available, we need to deploy it in a ConfigMap. This could look as follows:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: my-cmdsource-configmap
data: |
    import json, tempfile

    # Write feed codes JSON file
    codes = {
      "v": 1,
      "codes": [
        {"code": 1, "title": "documentation"},
        {"code": 2, "title": "examples"},
        {"code": 3, "title": "netherlands"},

    _, codes_path = tempfile.mkstemp()
    with open(codes_path, 'w') as f:
      json.dump(codes, f)

    # Write feed snapshot TSV file
    _, snapshot_path = tempfile.mkstemp()
    with open(snapshot_path, 'w') as f:
      print("\t1", file=f)
      print("\t2", file=f)
      print("\t2", file=f)
      print("\t2", file=f)
      print("\t2,3", file=f)

    # Construct metadata JSON
    result = {
      "v": 1,
      "csv_file": snapshot_path,
      "codes_file": codes_path,

    # Output for Command Source to be informed of updated feed
    print("OXFEED_GENERATOR_RESULT: {}".format(json.dumps(result)))

We can now use the above ConfigMap in our Controlplane deployment:

    scriptConfigMap: my-cmdsource-configmap

Configuration Reference

Instance Sets

Instances of Command Source can be defined under the root node commandSources. Each instance set should be a key-value pair, with:

  • key: Name of the instance set
  • value: Dictionary holding the configuration of the instance set
    < Command Source configuration >

In a minimal configuration you will need to specify at least the name of a configmap holding a script and the name of the script which should be run.

For example:

    scriptConfigMap: my-script-configmap

In the above example Command Source will mount the my-script-configmap to a local volume and attempt to run the script using Python3 each iteration.

Parameters which can be used to further configure Command Source instances for a specific instance set are shown in the below table.

Parameter Type Default Description
affinity k8s:Affinity pod affinity (Kubernetes docs: Affinity and anti-affinity). If unset, a default anti-affinity is applied using antiAffinityPreset to spread pods across nodes
agentLogLevel string "info" Verbosity of logging for the agent container.
Available options: "debug" "info" "warn" "error"
agentLogFormat string "text" Format of logging for the agent container.
Available options: "text" "json"
agentResources k8s:Resources
cpu: 250m
memory: 256Mi
Resources allocated to the agent container if resourceDefaults (global) is true
antiAffinityPreset string "preferred" pod anti affinity preset.
Available options: "preferred" "required"
containerSecurityContext k8s:SecurityContext
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
type: RuntimeDefault
- "ALL"
SecurityContext applied to each container
executor string "python3" Execution engine for script.
Available options: "python3" "sh"
hostNetwork boolean false Use host networking for pods
ingress k8s:IngressSpec {} Ingress configuration
logFormat string "human" Format of logging.
Available options: "human" "json"
logLevel string "info" Level of logging.
Available options: "debug" "info" "warn" "error"
nodeSelector k8s:NodeSelector {} Kubernetes pod nodeSelector
podAnnotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations to be added to each pod
podDisruptionBudget k8s:PodDisruptionBudgetSpec {} Spec of PodDisruptionBudget to be applied to deployment
podLabels k8s:Labels {} Labels to be added to each pod
podSecurityContext k8s:PodSecurityContext
fsGroup: 953
runAsUser: 953
runAsGroup: 953
runAsNonRoot: true
SecurityContext applied to each pod
readyInterval integer 5 How often readiness of the Command Source should be calculated in seconds
resources k8s:Resources
cpu: 1
memory: 2Gi
Resources allocated to the commandsource container if resourceDefaults (global) is true
scriptConfigMap string Name of the configmap containing a script
scriptName string Name of the data item within scriptConfigMap which contains the script which should be executed
scriptSecretName string Name of a Secret which should be mounted to the commandsource container. Items stored in the Secret are available as files (name of item in secret = name of file) in the folder /script_secrets
service Service
type: ClusterIP
Service configuration
serviceLabels k8s:Labels {} Labels to be added to each service
tolerations List of k8s:Tolerations [] Kubernetes pod Tolerations
unreadyAfterNoSuccessPeriod integer 0 If Command Source has not successfully ran for this many seconds, mark the pod as Unready.
Disabled if 0 (default)
webserverResources k8s:Resources
cpu: 250m
memory: 256Mi
Resources allocated to the webserver container if resourceDefaults (global) is true
webserverSecretName string Name of a secret containing username: base64_password pairs to be granted access to the feed. base64_password should be the base64 encoded representation of the actual password
webserverUsers List of string ["csuser"] List of usernames for which a password should be generated and allowed access to the feed. By default a user named csuser will be created with a randomized password which can be obtained from the corresponding secret.
Note: The generated passwords are stored in base64 encoded form in the secret. Make sure you decode them

Service Configuration

Parameters to configure the service object for this deployment. For example:

    scriptConfigMap: my-script-configmap
      type: LoadBalancer
      annotations: name_of_pool
Parameter Type Default Description
allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts boolean true If true, services with type LoadBalancer automatically assign NodePorts. Can be set to false if the LoadBalancer provider does not rely on NodePorts
annotations k8s:Annotations {} Annotations for the service
clusterIP string Static cluster IP, must be in the cluster's range of cluster IPs and not in use. Randomly assigned when not specified.
clusterIPs List of string List of static cluster IPs, must be in the cluster's range of cluster IPs and not in use.
externalIPs List of string List of IP addresses for which nodes in the cluster will also accept traffic for this service. These IPs are not managed by Kubernetes and must be user-defined on the cluster's nodes
externalTrafficPolicy string Cluster Can be set to Local to let nodes distribute traffic received on one of the externally-facing addresses (NodePort and LoadBalancer) solely to endpoints on the node itself
healthCheckNodePort integer For services with type LoadBalancer and externalTrafficPolicy Local you can configure this value to choose a static port for the NodePort which external systems (LoadBalancer provider mainly) can use to determine which node holds endpoints for this service
internalTrafficPolicy string Cluster Can be set to Local to let nodes distribute traffic received on the ClusterIP solely to endpoints on the node itself
loadBalancerIP string Deprecated Kubernetes feature, available for backwards compatibility: IP address to attempt to claim for use by this LoadBalancer. Replaced by annotations specific to each LoadBalancer provider
loadBalancerSourceRanges List of string If supported by the LoadBalancer provider, restrict traffic to this LoadBalancer to these ranges
loadBalancerClass string Used to select a non-default type of LoadBalancer class to ensure the appropriate LoadBalancer provisioner attempt to manage this LoadBalancer service
publishNotReadyAddresses boolean false Service is populated with endpoints regardless of readiness state
sessionAffinity string None Can be set to ClientIP to attempt to maintain session affinity.
sessionAffinityConfig k8s:SessionAffinityConfig {} Configuration of session affinity
type string ClusterIP Type of service.
Available options: "ClusterIP" "LoadBalancer" "NodePort"